Looking for best contact info

So I am apart of a veteran organization in upstate New York. Recently I have made a guild on the alliance side of things on the blood furnace server to get some local veterans together that want to play.

Our county representative for the organization (who has never played) wants to learn more about the cost associated with it and even set up possible payment for it. What would be a good way to have her contact? It would be better for a phone number or email :slight_smile:

Thank you in advanced

Each person would need their own BNET account.

World of Warcraft is a subscription based game, that means they would need gametime to play the game and an expansion key to play the latest content for every account they would like to have active.

Edit: After suggestions from below posts, you should buy gametime 60 days blocks as gifts instead.

For Dragonflight which is the last expansion they would need this too:

And it would cost an additional 29.99$. No gametime included.

If they pre-buy the next expansion, The War Within they would get the current expansion Dragonflight free.

It would cost 49.99$. Base/Heroic editions does not include gametime.


They should not have to contact anyone. The best way would be to check out the shop page. Prices are listed, and payments allowed are in the support page.

The base game is free, includes everything up to the shadow lands expansion, for the cost of gametime, which starts at roughly 15$ US a month. The only purchase required is Dragonflight or War Within for full content.


You may also want to look at the recruit-a-friend for any benefits if it is available.

Have fun.


What cost are you referring to? Do you mean the cost of playing the game? Anyone is allowed to create a Battle.net account and add game time to play. Just adding game time ($14.99/month, with a discount for subscribing for multiple months) allows access to the base game, which is level 60 cap and all expansions up to Shadowlands.

Then, they can think about adding Dragonflight at the current listed price. Alternatively, upgrading to The War Within grants Dragonflight access for the rest of the expansion.

If they are looking to pay for the whole guild’s subscriptions, they can set that up as well. They can just add their organization’s payment method to everyone’s account.


They can give that payment method to everyone if they want and the individuals can add it to their own accounts. Blizzard does not allow the organizer to log in to any account they don’t own.

A better way to do it is for the Organizer to set up their own Battlenet account then GIFT the guild individuals 2 months of game time each time they need to do it. They would need to get the email for each battlenet account from each guild member.


Thanks everyone. She wouldn’t be able to give us the payment method as it’s a corporate credit card. The gifting might be the way to go. For her sake though she would love a way to contact blizzard though.

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This is not quite related but is it just me or is the OP’s username… :thinking:

What does she need to contact Blizzard for exactly? All the information that they need is available via the website and there are no contacts at Blizz that would provide anything different than what is available to everyone else who plays.

Her wanting to do this for a group really doesn’t change anything. Either she can choose to gift the game and game time, or the people who wish to play can buy their own games and game time.


I’m just the go between lol…I’ll find out.

There isn’t much we’d be able to tell her that hasn’t already been stated here. We don’t have a company, corporate, or group sign up for an organization. Each individual must have their own Battle.net account with their own WoW license to access the game.

Setting up a subscription would be tricky if they just have a corporate credit card. It is unlikely they’d want to give that info to each individual to set up their subscriptions.

Game Time purchases through the shop may be the best way to go. They can gift the subscriptions to each Battle.net account, or there should be an option to send it to an email (they could collect the codes and hand them out or send them directly).


So she is looking more for if there is a veteran discount or a group discount. She is trying to figure out a way to pay for it but from a non profit stand point where funds can be limited

No, I’m afraid not. We do not have any discounts for organizations or groups. Sorry.