Hello all. My wife and I are looking to come back from a break but after joining many guilds that promised “we aren’t going anywhere” only for them to stop raiding or disband completely we are wanting to find a solid, consistent guild.
We ran our own guild for 9 years and started from a casual 1 night per week guild (Icecrown) and grew it into a Cutting Edge guild (Emerald Nightmare/Trial of Valor) before shutting it down mid way through Nighthold due to a last minute notice move IRL.
We have played on and off since then after stabilizing our RL situation and keep getting deterred by constant wheel of: Find guild, Gear toons they need, Raid for 2 weeks - a month, Guild dies/breaks up.
We are looking for a STABLE group, no we aren’t looking for world first or even CE every tier. We own our own business and don’t need 6 day/week raid schedules + 7000 mythics/day requirements. However we don’t want a super casual “its ok if you are doing 3 dps as long as you have fun” guild either.
My wife wants to main shaman (Ele with a Resto os)
I am undecided on class/role to play but have multiple options (I can tank and dps to a CE level)
I understand that I am searching for a Unicorn here and some may say that I am too picky or whatever but with the over population of guilds out there surely we can find something that works.
Btag: Haytred#1922
Discord: Siynn#6047