Hi, I’m 27, been playing since classic. Started raiding in BC and went hard in wrath with a competitive guild. I’ve been on and off since then, getting AOTC with pugs when i can. I’m maining priest for the first time, playing shadow main but can offspec heal disc/holy.
Looking for a guild that raids any days
monday - Friday at night. Preferably starting around 8-10 PST and going for 3-4 hours. Hoping to get AOTC easy and then work on Mythic prog. I would much rather a fun group pushing content at their own rate than elitist driven raids.
Hey bud, Biscuit Front is lookin for some raiders. We’ve been raiding mythic since WoD but are reforming in shadowlands at a more relaxed pace. We raid 7-10 CST tuesdays and thursdays, currently 5/10 N. Whisper me (Blopes) in game if you’re interested still
Hey! If you’re dead-set on Mythic progression after AOTC we won’t be of much help, but we’re looking for more to round out our roster to push into Heroic Nathria and beyond!
I ran a similar guild during Legion that got AOTC each tier, unfortunately with BFA being BFA things fell apart. Hit me up Nylos#11610 if you’re interested!