Looking for a raiding guild

Hello, I’m a Tank/dps DH. My guild is no longer raiding due to several reasons none in which drama was involved. I will have several that may follow me where I go one also being our other Tank. We do not care to go to a newly formed guild as my guild has been together since 2016. less people are playing and frankly, I’m tired of rebuilding. So if anyone is interested please send me in-game mail and I will get back to you. Thank you

Good morning! Unfortunately I am not able to message you in-game right now, but if you would like to talk more over discord it sounds like Currently Online may be a good fit for you. Our guild formed during Mists of Pandaria and is home to multiple raid teams on both Horde and Alliance. We also have several communities across multiple games which helps everyone stay playing together during content droughts. If this sounds interesting to you check out our webpage or drop by our discord.



You can also message me directly on Discord at Ochyro#4197 or through battlenet at Ochyro #1610

Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you