I’m brand new to classic wow and only played very little of retail I’m currently a level 13 gnome mage and wanted to know if there are any noob friendly guilds around who would be willing to accept me, I do plan on gearing up and wanting to do raids when I’m ready. I’m currently on Pagle but I don’t mind swapping servers. Just want a nice casual guild to call home.
You can reach me via discord Moonrunes#2599 or by my ign Theinsane
We are a community first and we have been playing games together for over 10 years. I’ll post a little about our guild below. Feel free to message any of the officers, and come be part of the fam.
The Greybeards> Semi-Hardcore, PvE focused, Casual Friendly, will down relevant content in a timely manner, friendly, active. Core members are made up of former hardcore top US kills in multiple xpacs with achievements to back it up, vast experience and knowledge.
Heartseeker - Alliance
Raid Times:
•Sunday 6:30-10:30 EST
•Monday 8:00-12:00 EST
Raid Information:
•No prior raid experience is required, however we do expect you to research your class and execute fights correctly. A trial period will be used for new members (Can be done during leveling/gearing process).
•Loot will be distributed through a Loot Council, allowing the guild to put gear where it is needed most. This may mean spreading gear out as much as possible, or stacking gear on key raid members (e.g. tanks, dps or heals…) with the sole intent of expediting boss kills thus creating more gear drops
•80% Raid Attendance is expected and required to maintain a raid slot.
•Discord required
Contact us on Discord or in-game https:// discord.gg/uDJ26ZD
Practitioner - Guild Master - Practitioner#3378
CaptAmerica - Co-GM - Sulris#9875
Thevestian - Officer - Thevestian#0654
Peepz - Officer - Peepz#3392
Cybbers - Officer - Cybb#9708
We might be a fit. Here’s my post about our guild: [A][Atiesh] <Sibling Rivalry> Family & friends | Tu/Thu/Sat 9:30-12 EST
Hit me via any of the contact information listed if you’d like more information.
Contact on discord: Grastaff#5502
Contact on Atiesh: Grastaff
Contact on bnet: Gargamel#1894
Hello Nuzlozke, Welcome to Classic and Pagle ! I am reaching out because we are also on Pagle and you used the best word to describe us: “home.” We are an active and friendly guild that looks out for our members regardless of experience. I will post our advert here for your consideration, but even if you do not join us, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Best wishes!
Stormwind Royal Guard
is a friendly guild that helps each other enjoy the game. We are all adults who work jobs and have families. If you are active and have a good personality we welcome you to join us. Even if your skills are a bit lacking, the guild would rather teach someone with a good attitude than take in a better player with a poor one. We have over a 100 guildies, yet still have that feel of “home.”
What are we doing now?
We are taking our time, enjoying leveling, dungeoning, exploring and gearing up. We do dungeons of every level from VC to UBRS. We are trending towards raiding MC December or January.
A ladder loot system will be implemented across the board equally among everyone with no special treatment of any kind. Well seasoned leaders (thyme?) Our expectations of you: Good attitude. Be on time. Be involved. We use discord. Follow the posted guild rules. Have Fun!
Raiding will be 2 days a week: Wednesday & Alternating Saturday/Sunday.
To learn more or to get an invite please message Zariya, Khay, or Zariyana in game or on discord
( Zariya#9502 )
Stormwind Royal Guard
Hi Nuzlocke,
I’m a little late to the game here but I think you would enjoy Pénsive. We are from a large dual faction guild on the Dalaran server. We have taken the same friendly leadership team to start up a guild on the Pagle server for those of us who really enjoy Classic and all the community and friendly feeling that comes with it. We have new and experienced players who are always willing to help new players enjoy the game. Please check us out if you already haven’t found a home.
Hi Nuzlocke,
I added you to my discord. I am not sure if you are looking anymore, but it is worth a shot.