Looking for a new home

Looking for a new home on a PST or MST server. I love my current guild, but we quite literally operate on different time schedules and by the time I’m in game, they’re all sleeping. I’m looking for a laid back, casual, active guild that does normal and heroic raiding on the weekends, and runs M+ for funsies. I’m primarily a Horde player and would like to be on an active Horde server. About me: mature woman with a demanding job. I play WoW to unwind, socialize, and have fun. Been playing since the game went live in '04. I’d say I’m solidly mediocre. I don’t try to top the charts, but I do my job in raids. Bonus points for having lots of active women in the guild and LGBTQ friendly.

Hey there! I think Focus Up might be a good fit for you! We currently raid Fri/Sat 9-12 AM EST and are looking for some more players to round out the guild as we continue to progress through the raid!