Looking for a new group

Hey All,

I recently moved countries back to Australia from the US and had a blast in WoW and am hoping to recreate that with some new Aussie friends.

I played in BFA as Horde primarily but am now Alliance leveling a Unholy DK Human. I was part of a Heroic Raid Group that did 1/2 bosses on Mythic and the last raid I did was Whispers of Nzoth, and had a blast learning to read logs and understand mechanics.

I may not be max level but it won’t take me long and so looking for a new home. I have some 50lvl characters that should have stats to prove the above, currently server transferring them and faction changing them but plan on maining the DK.

Hit me up on Discord or Ingame:
Termination#6177 (Discord) - Ravagen (Ingame)

Just as an FYI there is no expectations either way, just mainly seeking some friends for the new journey I am about to partake in.
