I am looking for a guild that raids mostly on the weekends. I am a casual player, but in order to enjoy the game and move up you need to be in a guild that raids weekly. I have a Prot Warrior 206, Holy Pally, and a Frost Mage. Trying to get my Alts lvl up.
Hi Snackkpack! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!
yea when do you guys raid?
Hi Snackkpack,
Assault on Thrall is a fairly casual guild that achieves AotC every tier and dabbles in Mythic afterwards just to keep people interested prior to the next raid tier. We currently achieved AotC last month and are working casually on Shriekwing now. Furthermore, we are a group of adult gamers who like to have fun, but at the end of the day, we know real life takes priority so we’re very lenient when it comes to things coming up that prevent you from raiding for an evening or a weekend. We do take raid breaks at major holidays and between raid tiers to prevent long-term burn out.
We raid Friday and Saturday evenings from 8-11 PST (11-2 EST) and would definitely take a mage DPS. The Prot warrior would be a great asset for M+ and, if you are comfortable playing it in a DPS capacity, would be a great DPS option for the raid, too. Holy paladin would also be nice in an offspec/backup capacity if you like ret on the paladin, so lots of options for you in our raid and M+ within the guild.
If the times work for you and the above sounds good, I’d love to hear from you to start a trial! Add me on Battle.net at limbrok#1655.
Winterhoof - Horde
10/10 Heroic looking to get into Mythic ASAP
Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
Wednesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench!!!
Healer - All will be considered
DPS - Mage, SPriest, and any strong DPS
All specs and classes will be looked at and considered
GM - Norton
Raid/DPS Lead - Huntandprey
Heal Lead - Smallsu
Recruitment Officer - Norton
How to reach us.
Recruitment Officers
Bnet Norton#11254 Discord Norton#6319
Bnet huntandprey#1770 Discord huntandprey#2852
I lead a Whisperwind guild that has a lot of older members in it (both in game and out). We share a discord with another guild, so lots of conversation and lots of choices for things to join each night. The guild has a mix of newbies and veterans, so regardless of what project you’re currently working on, there is someone around who can help.
I’d love to chat with you if you’re interested! TheLibrarian#11426
hey Snackkpack.
Horde Against Humanity on hyjal is getting ready to push into mythic. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday 7-10pm pst. i did see you said weekend raiding guild but figured was worth a shot if decided to swap to weekdays raiding. We are a mature casual guild that loves to push content while having fun. if you decide you would like to give us a try you can message me on Bnet or discord.
Discord: Deton#0950
Bnet: Deton#11301