Looking for a guild!

Hello Sargeras!
Returning player looking for a chill and friendly guild.

A little bit about me:

I’m Flüffykitten, 28 (they/them) Last time I actively played the game was way back in Draenor, where I ended up being a guild officer and raid co-tank where we raided in normal and eventually heroic. I play DK and enjoy all three specs. I’m not interested in cutting-edge progression, I’m in it for good times, and good memories.

What I’m looking for.

  • An inclusive and respectful space where I can be myself.

  • A welcoming guild where I can feel like I’m part of the crew, make friends, and enjoy the game with even if we all play at different paces.

  • Active voice and community, I love helping out and good teamwork.

  • I think It would be neat to raid again, but can’t commit to more than a couple nights a week after 6pm CST.

If you are interested to take me along on the journey whisper me in game or add me on Discord (@actualyaraccoon)

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you!