Looking for a good name for my Demon Hunter


Best name is Louisbraille… Louis Braille was the person who created the braille alphabet for blind people.



Illidaddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

EDIT: Oh man this is a necro…

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<< do i win?

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Neither of those names were good enough to necro this twice

Yeah, a flag

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go sit in the corner

If you’d chosen undead, I might have suggested Sarabellum. But hey, you might use it anyway.

bad necro!

i named my Demon hunter Omgmyeyes

as long as you dont do what all the lemming noobs do, and call your demon hunter "illa-(insert remainder of name here)

gives me 2nd hand embarrassment. same as those dks with "death-(insert remainder of name here)
