Looking for a decent casual progression guild

No luck, may try again another time :slight_smile: Thanks everyone.

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Hey! I’m Dae. My husband and I run a guild on Gurubashi. I can relate to a lot of your post. We have an older guild, Antiquated. the average age is probably late 30s-mid 40s. Most in our guild raid and we have anywhere from 15-20 show up on raid nights. There are quite a few of us that are on quite a bit. Being that we’re older, we all have rl obligations that come first though. We are currently looking for another healer for our raid and a few more. Our tank spots for raids are full, I know you mentioned you had other toons not sure how willing you are to play them. But for dungeons we could always use another tank. You guys seem like you could be a good fit. We are 10/10 normal and 1/10 heroic. We have a laid back atmosphere. We aren’t a hardcore guild. We don’t bench, you can play w/e dps you want, numbers don’t matter, we just ask that you try to keep up with your gear. We make sure and try to take care of everyone as best we can as far as the weekly chests go. A quirky bunch but good people. Very welcoming to new ppl. We’d love to chat with you if you’re interested and have you come along on a raid and a few mythics to see what we’re like. Hope to hear from you soon, and if not, then gl with your journey!


I was browsing the recruitment forum and think you all could be a great fit for the guild Press Buttons. Here is a little more information about our guild:

Guild Name: Press Buttons
Server: US-Area 52
Schedule: Saturday 8-11pm EST; Sunday 6-11pm EST
Progression:10/10N 1/10H
About Us: Press Buttons is a guild that was created by friends who decided raiding is always better with people you enjoy being around.
WowProgress Link: wowprogress/guild/us/area-52/Press+Buttons
Voice: discord.gg/UGYvTwRXXK
Goal: Our progression goal for Shadowlands is as follows - Normal > Heroic.

What makes us different than many other raiding guilds:

Humor - Whether in guild chat/discord, there is always something to laugh about.
Understanding - Most of our guild is either in college or working adults with families. We understand real life schedules and family situations.
Honesty - We will always be up front and to the point from day one.
Helpful – We will assist with getting you raid ready so long as you are willing to put the same effort in advancing the guild. We will not just hold your hand.

We consider all quality applicants. If you feel that you would be a good fit for us (raider or non-raider), do not hesitate to contact me to schedule a Discord interview or add my battle tags to discuss further.

BTag- Serentiyz#1996 (Recruit Officer)
Leave a post in our discord (discord.gg/bKB7u8u).

Thanks for your time and happy hunting!

Hi there! I’m the GM of Forgone Conclusion (H) on Thrall. We are a closely knit guild that enjoys playing the game together. The core group has played off and on together since early Cata. We always enjoy welcoming new people to the guild and getting to know them. We are an AOTC focused guild that enjoys pushing and having fun while we do it. I would be more than willing to have a discussion with you to see if we would be a good fit! Add me on bnet at Huw#1749 and we can figure out if we would be a great fit for you or not!

I’m not going to give you a canned response about our guild looking for people, as we’re probably about as far removed from what you’re wanting as possible, but you sound like our kind of people, so I thought I’d give it a shot anyway.

I’m raid leader for a small raid community group (we don’t expect server transfers/guild joining if people are happy where they are or just don’t want to spend the money) currently progressing through Normal Castle Nathria (8/10), but at our own pace. We love raiding, but we love raiding with each other. Our mentality once upon a time was to try and push hard, get into Mythic level and all that, but those days and availability are far behind us. Now, we just want to move at our own pace, with a select group of laid-back individuals who share the same mindset of “if we win, we do it together, if we wipe, we do that together too.” Our roster is full of people who, like you, were looking for something that hardcore/fly-by-night “progression” guilds couldn’t offer - good, honest people who just want to have fun with the game and maybe actually see the end of the raid that tier while it’s still relevant. Without a lot of drama, or toxic behavior, etc. We have in our raid both male and female members, couples, LGBT members, but all laid-back, nerdy introverts. We have all seen our own version of toxic hate and elitism from other groups, so I like to think that’s why we’re still around and going strong - playing together has always been more important. Treating each other like people, having fun, working together has always been more important. And, more than a couple of us have social anxiety as well. We’re not going to pressure anybody into anymore awkward situations than just playing together and getting through an encounter. A couple of us prefer to chat instead of use comms - that’s been good enough for the first 8 bosses so far. ./shrugs

The rough and tumble, though, is that we decided to jump from Horde to Alliance this expansion for a different experience. After years on Horde, our raiders decided to change things up. Also, I’m happy you found your calling in Tanking. It’s a role I myself played for years without looking back and God knows we need more good ones in the game. Sadly, we’re really looking for solid DPS players to help grow our group a bit (though a tank-offspec could come in handy every now and again). Our goal is to get up to a solid 12-14 players so that, in the event somebody can’t raid that particular night or “life happens”, the group can continue without anybody feeling like they’ve let somebody down and cost us a raid night. Because our people are such good people and introverted, that’s how it classically happens.

Truth is, there is no way of us knowing whether or not we would be a good fit for you and you for us unless we played together, but like I said, you sounded like good people and what we have been looking for, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to at least respond to your post. Ultimately, I hope you and your group find a good place to settle that gets you what you’re looking for and keeps you playing long-term. However, if you’re at all interested or I can answer any questions about our group, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your search! The right group of people is out there, it just might take a few tries to find them.

Battletag: ChaosWhite#1873
Server: Blade’s Edge
Toon: Sintenelle

Hi there. We’re a small group of friends that are looking for more players to become close with and enjoy the game as we do. We don’t care for numbers rather everyone enjoying the experience as a group. Our Discord is active regardless of whether it is in game chat or other. That’s part of the experience for us - outside of running content together . You should drop by the Discord and let’s talk. I’ll drop the obligatory guild info below with our discord info. Looking forward to talking with you guys!

Illidans Redemption, formerly Sisters of the Night (est Feb 2005), is likely the oldest active guild on Silverhand and we’re quite proud to still be around led by one of its founding members.

We are active adults partaking of ALL in-game content from raids, mythics to questing, Legacy transmog runs to PvP. We are active 5 pm EST USTZ through the weeee morning hours of 2 am.

We are currently regrouping after BFA hiatus and rebuilding our mythic, arena/BG PvP team as well as a regular 10 man raid group. But we’re also interested in just about any regular player who enjoys experiencing aspects of the game together. We simply aren’t a solo’ers/chat lurkers type guild. Everyone knows everyone here by name.

You can find us in the Guild Finder tool, our discord @ discord.gg/WkD8axzQqn or look for the following names in game to pester about membership:


PS: tho we are Alliance we have our super secret Horde identities we like to tool around with on the side but shhh, don’t tell anyone!

Good morning and I am fashionably late to the dance as always in responding. Let me introduce my guild /online family . Allumination is a guild where busy adults can come to relive the time where lasting friendships were the greatest achievement. Young at heart, we are infected with sarcasm, adult humor and the need to have a good time we’ll all still be laughing about in another 15 years. If this has caught your attention, check out our recruitment and if we sound like home to you and you would like to toss an alt in with us to check us out please look me up :sunflower:Allumination ~ Stormrage

Hi Elluin,

I hope this finds you well!
I am one of the officers for Sigma on Cairne.

Your post struck a cord with me. We are a small guild. I’ve been with the guild for about 10 years. Oof.
When Shadowlands was released we decided to add to our family. We were able to find some really amazing people from all walks of life. We accept all good people. We want to have fun, we like to run Mythics, torghast (oh man, Twisting Corridors… oof), and we are looking to do some raiding maybe 1-2 nights a week if we can get the folks together to do it. Which, is why I am responding…

I get the social anxiety. I have it. I understand. It’s tough, especially going in to a new group of players. When I first joined these guys… man… I barely talked on voice comms! Took me a bit to get out of my shell. :slight_smile: This also affects my willingness to LFG for instances, especially Mythics. We have a guild… Let’s play as a guild and HAVE FUN. There will be trying times, there will be frustrations, but through it all, we tend to laugh and joke. Heck, even my son is part of the guild.

I will be honest, we are in kind of a slump right now. Which, again, is why I am reaching out to you. We haven’t done much beyond LFR because we had a bit of a lack of focus, and the lack of good folks to play with. We are not a progression guild, we are casual progression.

Sigma is based on Cairne, but because of the Connected Realms tech, we are able to have players from our sister realms. The guild was actually based on the East Coast originally and the times we set are usually that timezone.
We have friends from all over the US, and a couple outside of the US.

Hit me up on Battle.net or Discord: Danuin#1350.

Would like to chat with you if you’re interested in Alliance-Stormrage. We currently raid on Tues/Weds 8-11pm EST. I could like to get more people to run keys with as well but my guild currently is slow on non-raid nights. Bnet me if you want to converse DLAres#1711

Hello Elluin and friends!

I’m a recruitment officer for our Guild Found a Green Quest on the server Zul’jin. My husband and I run the guild together. We’re a social/casual horde Guild looking to expand our ranks for raiding, mythic keystones, PvP, achievement runs, Guild contests and more. Currently we’re a weekend raiding guild with 2 raid teams. We have a more laid back raid team currently 4/10 normal Castle Nathria. We are looking for members who are flexible in their roles. Our Guild is a family. We have ipen communication with our guildies and a zero tolerance to drama. If we sound like a good fit, please reach out to me. I’m going to share our recruitment post below. I hope you take the time to check us out. Hope to hear from you soon!


Hey Elluin, I read ur “giant wall of text” lol and look I get what your trying to say. me and my small group were in the same boat and finally we gave up and said lets just start our own guild and enforce the values you yourself mentioned above.

Here is the link to my sales pitch, we are low on progression (2/10 N), and still on under +7 keys but to be fair we are only 2 weeks old

[[A] <Chemically Balanced> Arathor/Drenden Recruiting]

It really sounds like you and your husband, and brother, would be happy with our team. Send me a DM and we can discuss it more, I have no issues if you wanted to bring an alt in for a week or so just to get a feel for us either.


Hey Elluin,

[H] Area-52 Guild 7/10 Heroic is currently recruiting players to push into Mythic content and for CE.

Our guild currently consists of older gamers (25-30+) and is looking to expand our gaming community with talented and skilled players who want to down the content without the drama, egos, or toxicity. Most of us have been raiding together for 4+ years.

We are currently 10/10 Heroic and 10/10 Normal in Nathria and will be pushing AOTC soon. This will begin our mythic raiding.

We currently raid from 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 AM EST

We are currently recruiting any of the following classes/specs:

-Arms DPS Warrior
-Mages (Fire / Arcane)
-Shadow Priests

Disclaimer - We do not have any tank or healing positions open at this time

If you are interested in raiding with us, or want more information please message Axial #1159.

Thank you for your time!

Hello there Elluin.

Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going forward in the expansion with a player focused mentality.

Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.

If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via B.net or discord.

Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)

Hi Elluin, The Forbidden Rising on US-Hyjal might be what you are looking for. I would suggest making a toon on that server to give us a go if you would like. We are generally a Casual Heroic AotC raid group who occasionally dabbles in Mythic (only when we are cleared on Heroic). Laid back for the most part and willing to play with a variety of different personalities as you’ll find out if you decided to give us a shot. We are looking for a few people in general to fill out Wed/Thurs Grps team. Raid times are 6-9pm PST. We also do alot of mythic+ and overall casual pvp. Guild is active and a medium/larger size but very welcoming to new players and such. Lots of unique personality in this guild and in our raids that bring out an interesting experience that I believe you and your family will enjoy. If any of this interests you by all means either send me a message in game or our GM I will list our Battle tags below. Have a nice day and I hope you find the guild you are looking for!

Battletag Ejayz#1674 Me
Battletag Hera#1937 GM

Hey man I’m on illidan. We could use some solid laid back players to enjoy progression moving forward. Check out envelop.gg/rp/. Throw in an app and put Frank referred you if you are interested.

Hello Elluin!

My guild is looking for reliable players and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We have two separate Raid Teams, Progression and JV, who each run two nights a week.
Progression runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST
JV runs Tues & Wed @ 8pm - 11:00pm EST
Progression Raiders are welcome to bring their mains or alts to JV nights as well! I think that you and your husband would be perfect fits for our JV team. The culture there is very casual and fun, and it focuses on nurturing interested and new raiders and creating a healthy and stress-free environment.

We also have RBGs on Sundays and Guild Games/Events on Saturdays

General Requirements/Expectations:

Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late

I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.

Hope to hear from you!

Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!

Dirty Mike and the Boys(H) Malganis is looking for a few dps and healers. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est. We slowly gained players and are 10/10 Normal and 2/10 Heroic. Laid back guild. Most players are 30+. We have an active group of players on non raid days for M+. If interested or have any questions please message me on Battlenet MtMan#1965 or Discord MtMan#2491

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Hello, our tank positions in the raid roster are already filled and we have two resto shamans already. I just wanted to leave this here because you sound just like the people in our guild. Many have come into our guild with social anxiety, disabilities, fears of judgement and have flourished. We do not run our guild (or raids) the same as other guilds. We are inclusive and take care of one another. It is more of a family than anything else. Life-long friendships have been built here. I hope that you find exactly what you are looking for. <3 It is rare, but guilds do exist with your ideals in mind.


Wow. I sincerely appreciate all of these wonderful replies. I didn’t think there would be so many options out there as we haven’t encountered many in our time on WoW. I see quite a few that feel like a good fit, though many I’ll have to turn down simply because of active hours. Both my husband and brother work later shifts at work and would never get a chance to raid with some of you. Since they enjoy raiding more than I do, that would be unfortunate. I am going to start reaching out to people at this point, been a bit nervous to do so. Thank you again for responding!