Looking for a Community to Erase the Bore of BFA

Hi Dreamers,

I’ve been playing WoW since late Vanilla. For the first time ever, I am finding it extremely difficult to get into a new expansion. BfA has been a bore for me, and I think it comes down to my guildless status. The community I was in during Legion is no longer playing or on different servers. I am seeking a friendly, fun, but mature community to assist me in getting back into the game! It would be a huge plus if focus is on social / PvE with guild events.

Some background on me

As a Player: I’ve mained a Mage since MoP and plan on continuing to do so. I have guild leader and officer experience. I GM’d a pair of medium sized social / leveling guilds in BC. In my previous guild in Legion, I was the recruitment and social officer. I have raiding experience, but nothing hardcore. I would be interested in exploring raiding in BfA, but am unable to dedicate a massive amount of time to it (real life, wife, other games…). I greatly enjoy fun and unique guild events that pull the community together. In addition to WoW, I am an avid competitive Overwatch player. Would be great to be with some fellow Overwatchers.

As a Person: I am in my late 20s and work full time for an education tech company in southeast Michigan. I live with my wife of three years, two cats, and a doberman-shepherd-hound mixed beast. I was lucky enough to get a dedicated beer fridge for the mancave this holiday season. I am excited to crack a few while running a raid, participating in a guild event, or diving into a round of Overwatch!

Happy to answer any questions or chit-chat!

Thanks for reading.



Hi there!

I’m sure you’ll be able to find something you like here! I highly recommend you check out the Alliance ED RP discord even if RP isn’t your first goal, it’s a great way to find out about our guilds on ED and the community as a whole and get involved! discord.gg/ 9kjuD6P

I’m one of the co-gms of The Ashen Vale and so I’ll plug our guild here as well – we’re a group of older friendly folks and our guild motto is ‘real life first, always’ so we’re really flexible and welcoming to folks with jobs, families and other rl obligations. Our primary focuses are WPVP and RP but we do a little bit of everything including some -very- casual raiding and dungeon runs. You can see more about us on our website at theashenvale dot com!

Welcome to the community and I hope you find what you are looking for! If you need help or advice finding a great guild for you please let me know and I can help point you in the right direction! <3

oh! also there’s an RP convention on January 5th in Stormwind, with an OOC guild Q and A that happens in the discord, that I recommend checking out!
Alliance RP Convention Jan 2019

Hi Demon, stop by the Alliance and Horde RP Discords, lots of great guilds there.

Most of them are RP guilds though - are you interested in RP? Willing to try it out?