Date: January 5th,2019
Time: 7.00PM server/cst to 9/10ish server
Location: Mage District of Stormwind
Purpose: the purpose of this event has always been to attempt to bring guilds together, to be able to let others know what your guild is about, meet new friends, maybe new guild members, as well as try to get players who have never roleplayed to dip their toes in the kool-aid.
OOC activities: DUE To a loss in the family I have dropped the Q&A portion for this event to be easier to run by a few friends who offered to take it over this month. The Q/A portion will be back next month.
We had a great turn-out at the last one, hoping to see a repeat of that!
Information updated for January
It’s 50/50 for me this time. Put me down as a maybe for now.
Kul Tiras Marines would like to sign up for the Q&A
guilds added, still plenty of room for more to sign up
As a courtesy to any right-minded Pandaren present, the Marines will bring a few feasts to prevent the Blue Recluse running out of food this time around.
I’d be happy to speak again if there’s space, would be happy to also speak for any guild that’s unable to attend if they want to send me information on their guild!
Plenty room to sign up still
Hope the turn out is at least half of decembers -101 in december showed up.
But it still is holiday season so ifk
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Sign ups will come to an end on thurs please contact me befoee then