Looking for a class/spec with impressive self-healing

Can you recommend a class/spec of damage dealer with the highest self-healing? For a tank, it seems to be a paladin. But I don’t want to go to dungeons as a tank, and I don’t want to respec every time. I would also appreciate a link to a statistics website where I can see the self-healing of classes. Thank you!

Retadin, Havoc, Devoker, WW…

Everyone has alot of self healing these days.

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Don’t forget Feral

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Havoc, fury, or ret are probably your best bet. Warlocks don’t necessarily have a lot of self healing but they are extremely durable as well.

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I have found a ranking of DPS healing @ warcraftlogs. Due to the top player, the best self-healing damage dealer is… Enhancement Shaman?!?

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Yeah I could see that. Don’t confuse self healing for survivability though. If you are after durability, Shaman ain’t it chief.


What kind of content are you talking about? Open word content is different from group content because of possible mechanics. Also, some DPS specs has a fair amount of healing to compensate for their squishiness. For dungeons, which you mentioned, I would recommend Ret Paladin for melee because you can withdraw from the fight and heal (Fury Warrior has heals, but you have to stay in fight to use them). If you don’t mind ranged DPS, I would recommend Warlock. You can use drain life anytime you want. Shadow Priest does has self healing, but it also seems to get hit more in group content when I was trying it. For that reason, I would recommend Warlock over Shadow Priest for suvivability.

I technically do damage and heal more than healers


Enh also has a strong group healing cd on a shortish cd.

For self-healing I’d go with Fury warrior.
I main fury I really notice how strong our self-healing is when I try other dps specs.
Impending Victory is really strong so if you happen to take a blow you just use that and dont need more healing.
If you were badly hurt or need to off-tank some mobs while the tank is being B-ressed you just pop Enrage regeneration and you should be good for it’s duration.
Bloodthirst also heal 3% hp each use and you have Bitter Immunity that heals 20% and remove all disease, poison and curses.
You also have other talents like pain and gain when heal a little when you take damage every 10s. can talent into second wind too. +5% leech from leeching strikes warrior talent.

Fury is a safe bet if you want good self-healing.

Havoc also have a lot of self-healing but that is mostly passive from leech so you are healing everytime you deal damage but you might not have the high on-demand self-heal like fury does.


Fury warrior is probably among the highest. They get Enraged Regen which is basically a full health bar over the duration, and Impending Victory, a 30% HP self heal every 30seconds. And they get 5% leech right through the talent tree. I can see 8-9k HPS on mine in raid fights without even using health stones or potions and with my 11% leech.


For Melee, I would agree Fury Warrior is good. I think Fury Warrior and Ret Paladin are both good, but content may matter. While I was messing with Fury Warrior, open world content was fine with Impending Victory. That’s a good heal. ON the other hand, you can be in a dungeon and take a big hit from a boss. You can use Impending Victory as long as you stay in the fight. If you then take another hit, your IV is on CD. With Ret Paladin, you do have Flash of Light you can use almost anytime. And you can use Word of Glory without being in the fight. I would stay it is maybe a toss up between Fury Warrior and Ret Paladin.

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technically probably enhancement, affliction, ret and then it gets iffy

enh has healing rain, instant healing surge procs 24/7, a totem they can put down, AG and can spec into chainheal and earth shield i think? - it is kinda crazy how much healing you can do, often at the cost of dps tho obviously

you also got fury warrior but you gotta run a build that does like 20% less dps than your normal ones, but thats like 3% of max health every 3 globals + 10% passive damage reduction + passive leech in your skill tree + victory rush talent + 4.5% (soon to be 3.5) healing of max health every 10 seconds whenever you take damage

affliction has several self healing damage abilites + passive damage reduction, massive refreshing absorbs, dark pact for another super chunky shield and technically you could spec into all the drain life talents to make healers jealous + health stones + coil

Demon Hunters can crank out a huge amount of self-healing, but a lot of it is RNG – consuming soul fragments as they drop, which also gives you fury, your resource. So every now and then the random number gods fail you. You’ll be cruising along and all of a sudden … why are there no soul fragments?

But generally I generate more healing than the healers. Vengeance has multiple abilities that suck up your soul fragments for you, but as Havoc you have to be constantly watching for them and doing a little bit of movement – a fragment can be pretty close to you, but unless you twitch a bit, you won’t suck it up. this can work in your favor – if your HP and Fury are near full, you can leave some fragments sitting there until you need them (though they do despawn eventually).

The worst is when you’re fighting something in water. Don’t know if they’ve fixed this, but last I noticed, all your soul fragments go straight to the bottom; not helpful if you’re fighting something fairly high up in deep water.


That is incorrect.
Of course you could go annihilator build for Cold Steel, Hot blood, but it is not necessary. Cold steel, hot blood would give you even more self-healing on top of the other tools.
The other things you listed is a part of both builds and something you will have most of the time unless you need some other utility for a specific fight.

If you pick the right talents for drain life etc on lock it can have impressive self healing. It takes alot to kill them.

Some of these posters clearly don’t play the classes they recommend, because they may have been good self-healers, but they aren’t currently.

The best non-tank self-healer in game right now is without a doubt Fury Warrior.

Being able to “cast” a heal on yourself does not make you a good self-healer. It just means you can self-heal.

Fury Warriors playstyle and rotation encourages you to keep pulling and not stop, as the more things you pull the better the self-heals you get. That is what makes it the best self-healer. It promotes zero downtime to recover.

There is no other non-tank that can do that.

Havoc has the potential for it, but it falls short. And it loses points on having to actually move around to collect the heals which can be an issue on certain situations. Not to mention they are SQUISHY as hell outside of meta.


Ret Pally or Fury Warrior

Ret Paladin always felt nice to play, they have nice heals to help support your team or keep you alive if you must use them. Also bubble, you can cheese a lot of mechanics, you have hand of freedom which is rather handy in many dungeons, and hand of protection. Lay on hands…

Jeez Paladin is good.

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In my personal opinions, Evokers as you tend to use your Green Dragonflight healing ability as Devastation. Feral, which naturally you will often be casting Regrowth before every finisher, and Guardian Druid (If you go down the Ursoc route, picking up After The Wildfires and Dream of Cenarius along with Protector Of The Pack). Enhancement Shaman, while a bit heavy on mana usage but they can potentially provide healing to the party with Ancestral Guidance but they mainly focus on self-healing anyhow and with their Maelstrom Weapon charges (stacks), using up to 10 total at once can really heal you to 100% at any given current heal if it crits, which tends to be often, and you can utilize Healing Stream Totem as well.

However, that’s all personal experiences, something you have to play around and feel for. All I know is, Rogue ain’t one of those classes that do well in surviving…