It’s a good question, some DPS heal 4x more than others.
Shadow priest is the best dps for offhealing.
It’s a good question, some DPS heal 4x more than others.
Shadow priest is the best dps for offhealing.
From personal experience having done a ton of higher keys and playing with new specs end of season.
There is 2 ends of the spectrum of personal survivability, dmg avoidance and sustain.
Some DPS lean heavily to one side or the other. The best example I’ve seen thus far from playing some new DPS classes would be mage and demon hunter.
The common misconception I’ve always heard is how survivable DH is. It has fantastic leech uptime and self healing, so it can do extremely well without any healing attention, but it’s dmg avoidance is almost non existent. You only have 1 minor 20% DR cool down. When it comes to too much dmg incoming or surviving one shots you are kind of out of luck. If it’s just steady rot dmg or survivable mistakes, then they are really strong.
The opposite end of this I feel are mages. Their sustain is almost non-existent except for an ice block healing talent and a tiny amount from blinking and such. However the amount of invulnerable and dmg reduction they have is absolutely insane and they can cockroach their way out of anything, especially Alter Time to complete eat and reset dmg that did a majority of their heal bar it used well.
The strongest overall in my opinion that has the best of both worlds is BY FAR death knights. They have the strongest self healing with death strike, which also doesn’t sacrifice TOO much dmg to spend resources on unlike ret pally with holy power. They also have some of the strongest DR cool downs, and leech on top of that. Not to mention being able to uniquely be passively immune to slows and immune pull effects can let them cockroach out of unique circumstances. And they can uniquely immune debuff applications with anti magic shell, which can be huge in some cases too. Dk has been the only DPS where I feel I can be super ballsy and sit in aoes or even taunt and off tank for the tank in some cases and be perfectly fine.
2nd best to that is probably rogue. They have some really decent leech and self healing cds. But most importantly can feint the majority of dmg almost all the time for 40% DR. And uniquely vanishing targeted mechanics or casts on them.
Shadow priest does have great passive self sustain, and vamp embrace is the most absurd group healing cool down in the game that lets me match a healers healing when it’s up in some cases, but I wouldn’t say they are the most selfishly survivable, and has some of the weakest defensives.
I would still distinguish between open world content and group content. I do think Fury Warrior is great in open world. Impending Victory resets when you skill a mob, so you easily go from mob to mob while questing. But in leveling dungeons, I had mixed experience with Impending Victory because I didn’t get always get a killing blow. Of course you still have the 30 sec CD. I’m not saying that Flash of Light make a Ret Paladin overall better than Fury, but personally I like being able to leave the fight and then quickly heal myself. I figure it lets the healer keep their attention on the tank and gives them one less DPS to worry about. But this is really leveling dungeons only, there are different considerations in end game content.
I want to say about Ret Paladin that I love it for open world. Using holy power for healing doesn’t matter if you are just messing around on your own. I don’t do end game content at all, and I see that there would be issue of how RET does. Nobody cares if I use word of glory on my Ret Pally in a leveling dungeon, but when doing more “serious” content, that would be probably be considered sacrificing DPS.
Fury Warriors are built different. They have the best self heal imo.
As arms warrior, I don’t feel like I deserve all of the passive and active self healing options my kit has.
And yet, here I am a healin’ myself.
As a fury main I agree. Impending victory is a beast of an ability especially when I’m soloing the elites and rares.
fury warrior has insane self healing. probably the best in the game.
sometimes I just say screw it and tank as fury surrounded by a sea of orange nameplates. XD ain’t nobody got time to wait around for appropriately specced people!
normally i’m a little… cautious… when it comes to alts without heals but not that guy. fury is great!
And whoever says Victory Rush is better than impending victory should f right off. I’m sorry but the cool down version of victory rush plus the fact it costs a little bit of rage which gets refunded in no time and heals you during battle is way better. Are you dual welding two handers like a badass or are you doing single minded?
Shadow priest. Hands down the top self-sustaining DPS.
I can confirm this is the case. Our heals are chunky, but our defensive capabilites are some of the worst, especially after the ret rework.
Be a Ret Paladin. They’re great after their rework.
Elemental shaman, crazy amount of self heal while dpsing.
Druid Feral, free regrowth in every finisher(with 5p combo points) and since Feral build Crit Chance it heal better. and dont miss the cd Nature’s Vigil which makes you a healer in big aoe pulls
Affliction warlock or havoc demon hunter are the best I’ve come across
Shadow Priest, 100%.
Your entire existence is like 14k HPS on yourself right now and you do good off-healing without committing the GCDs to healing spells.
Warlock or ret paladin. Also gear leech.