Looking for a casual-friendly guild

Hi, I am fairly new to retail checking out dragonflight and preparing for the new expansion. I am looking to join a working adult (event schedules like Friday-Saturday nights or Sunday afternoon EST) casual-friendly guild. I want to dip my toes into raiding, dungeons, and PVP. Currently on Blade’s Edge but am open to transferring if the fit is right. Discord: ginger_s0ulz

Our raid times might not be ideal for you if you are weekend raider but feel free to check us out.

Hello, I belong to a wonderful guild called Synchronicity on Wyrmrest Accord. We are all adults (mid-30s to 50+) with various real-life commitments. We raid on Fridays at 9:00 EST and run m+ every chance we get.
We are casual, friendly, and we always have a lot of fun.
We are cross-faction. Wyrmrest Accord is a role-playing server, but we don’t RP within the guild.
Please let me know if you’d like more information, and I’ll add you on Discord so we can chat.
Thank you!

This sounds exactly what I am looking for. I would love more information, Thanks!