Lookin for a guild

Hello everyone,

I will be needing a new guild soon. New real job means new real hours. This will push me out of my guilds raiding times and that sucks, but life what can you do.

Love my guild now, but I wont be able to raid with them coming in the near future.

I am looking for a semi hardcore raiding guild that is AOTC focus, but can still have fun and where the team isn’t soft-skined. Been playing wow since Alpha and love pushing keys.

Currently i am playing an aug evoker 2300 IO, played a lock S3 and was 3k IO. Have achieved AOTC all seasons and looking for that going forward.

I don’t know what ill be playing next expansion, we still got time., but I’m looking for a raid team that runs around 8am est to noon est, prefer week days, but I’m on almost everyday.

Thank you

We’re always looking for folks to join our AOTC focused guild. If our times don’t work out for you, we’re always looking for key runners!

Guild & Server: Karma Gaming-Proudmoore
Raid Time/Day: Wed 8:30-11:30, Thurs 9:00-12:30 PDT
Current Progression: 9/9H AATDH | 9/9H AATSC | 7/8H AVOTI
Recruitment Contact:
Discord: swiftshifterz, or holyhotdogs
BNET: Shadowfyre#1345 or Gilligan#1831

< Death Dealer Two > is a newer casual late night adult raiding guild consisting of a close band of friends wanting to have fun and push content together in a timely manner leading into The War Within. We are new player friendly and also have daily mythic + groups running to help gear up those in need and wanting to raid. The goal is to push mythic content as soon as possible with our core group of experienced players having pushed end game content each expansion since the game first released. We feel like everybody should be able to have a chance to prove themselves.


Tuesdays: starting at 11:30pm EST ending at 2am EST
Thursdays: starting at 11:30pm EST ending at 2am EST
Monday (Optional Cleanup) starting at 11:30pm EST ending at 2am EST

Progress substantially each week
Glory raid achievements
Cutting Edge???


Level 70
English fluency
Positivity, kindness, and patience
A drive to improve as a World of Warcraft PvE player
Ability to commit to scheduled guild raid times and willingness to provide advance notice of absences whenever reasonable and possible
Fun-focused attitude
Having patience with people learning fights

NON Requirements

Heroic raid experience (Normal or LFR experience is strongly preferred but not required)
High parses
Numbers-focused attitude
More than 5 hours of commitment per week

Raid Slots

Tank: Open
Healer: Open
DPS: Open

Send me a message on here or add me in game @ Bushyy#11983 for more info! :smiley:


Are these times am or pm?

they are AM on EST time zone. we’re a late night guild

Hello Sliqq,

Im looking for a guild that raids between 8am est and noon est

Feel free to check us out

Hello everyone,

Im looking for a guild that raids between 8am est and noon est

Hey bro
Ex Inferno (Area 52) Team Orange is recruiting

We Raid Wednesday and Thursdays 8:30-11pm EST

Our Focus is AOTC which we achieve early every tier and we venture into mythic when we have the people interested

We have spots open in DPS and Healer

If you want a chill place to come kill bosses and hang with a group of friends this is the place

If this interests you and you are interested in hearing more or have any questions you can message me at

Our only requirements are that you are expected to be in voice during raid and are able to take constructive criticism.

Discord - Oebrun
Battlenet - Oedane#1231

This is PM on a PDT server!

Hi there Chrono, we clearing aotc and dabble into mythic raid a bit, have active discord and keys and other games and hangout.

Fri-sat 8-10 pm est


Hit us up, we be waiting!

:crossed_swords: [A/H] [STORMRAGE] FOOL ME ONCE

:small_blue_diamond: INTERESTED? (RECRUITMENT INFO)

  • Mythic Raiders - We are mainly recruiting DPS; Chill vibes, pushing as far as we can!
  • Keystone Runners - We are building an active keystone runner community!
  • Making Friends - Everyone is welcome for our Discord Drinking Nights!

:dracthyr_comfy_green: AWAKENED PROGRESSION

This is only our second season into Mythic Raiding. After guaranteeing our AOTCs, we are pushing mythic as far as we can! (You can be whats between us and CE, join us!)

  • VOTI: 8/8H, 1/9M
  • Aberrus: 9/9H, 3/9M
  • Amirdrassil: 9/9H, 3/9M

:spiral_calendar: RAID INFO:

We stick to a chill raid schedule of two raid nights a week. We occasionally add an extra night at the end of the week, but your participation on that day is optional.

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-11:00 PM EST

:page_with_curl: RECRUITMENT NEEDS:

We have a rotating bench system so all trials can prove themselves and own a permanent spot in the roster. (requirements are: pull your weight - or maybe a bit more - and don’t sht the bed!)*

  • DPS: DH and DK (priority), open for other classes.
  • Healers (bench): All entries accepted
  • Tanks (bench): All entries accepted

:speech_balloon: CONTACT INFORMATION:
Kharieth-Stormrage (Discord: _khali)
Felecträ-Stormrage (Discord: Chaseman245)
Hillbillyx-Stormrage (Discord: Hillbillyxxx)
Lollipöp-Stormrage (Discord: I4sublime)
Tevlin-Stormrage (Discord: Tevlin.)

:thought_balloon: ABOUT US:

Fool Me Once was built by a core group of long time raid enthusiasts. We have an unwavering desire to kill the big dumb stuff with our friends. We bring decades of WoW and real life leadership experience, helping us to foster a lite but driven atmosphere. We cover a gambit of gameplay styles and goals. Looking to bang 8s for vault? Pushing the IO? Tryna run 2s to learn a new class? Do you identify as a car? There may even be some scattered cheeve farming groups lurking. Fool Me Once also maintains a AOTC+ raid team (FAFO) looking to dig as far into mythic as possible every season. Using a philosophy of leading adults as adults and pushing the content as far as possible while maintaining a fun environment. One could and should expect sarcasm, shenanigans and overall Tom foolery. 18+ Rated M for Mature.

Hello everyone,

Im looking for a guild that raids between 8am est and noon est