Look, I'm not gonna yuck anyone's yum but

We’ve got someone on our server (who oddly isn’t from a server in our connected server group) who basically just spends his days killing the auctioneers in Valley of Strength, Org. I mean, it’s months now. It seems any time he’s on this is all he does.

If that’s his thing, whatever. Not gonna tell people how to play the game, but I just don’t get how this is fun? I mean, I get how raiding the other faction’s town can be fun but, like, when that’s all you do? And all you do there is kill the auctioneers in one auction house over and over? I don’t get it. If he’s having fun I’m glad, but I just don’t get it.

And why this server when he’s not even from a server connected to this one? Does he just wind up here due to some Blizzy weirdness or does he go out of his way to come to this particular server group? It’s so odd.


I’d suggest getting a group or two together and chase the bum out of Orgrimmar. Beyond that, not sure what to do.


Someone should park their brutosaur directly outside the Org AH


I don’t know what I was expecting with that title, but this logical and well written post was not it


I believe the fun in killing an auctioneer is listening to them beg for their life in auctioneer talk.

StopPleaseStopYourHurtingMeCanIGetALittleHelp.AlittleHelpFromTheGuyStandingThereatching.CanISeeSomeHelp? LookingForALittleHelpHere… and so on and on.


Orgrimmar is under attack!
Orgrimmar is under attack!
Orgrimmar is under attack!
Orgrimmar is under attack!


I dunno, raiding capital cities back in vanilla was more fun than most of the end game content we do now.


Just kill him?

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I have no issue with people attacking cities. It’s warcraft after all, but over and over and over…and over and over? There is something wrong with people like that. They are either immature or bordering on antisocial personality getting off on bothering people.


Keepin the war alive

He gets his jollies off by knowing it annoys you. If he kills the auctioneers, you can’t use the AH. He’s screwing you over and that gives him joy.

It’s no different then spawn campers.

He’s just a sad miserable person who isn’t happy unless he’s making other people unhappy.


Pvpers would love this.

You have a few options:

  • Kill and corpse-camp them.
  • Use another AH (I didn’t know this, but Orgrimmar apparently has FIVE: PSA - Alternate AH's during Dance Parties )
  • Have someone use their long-boi AH mount.
  • Go to another city and use the AH there.
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Maybe he’s been hired by the auctioneers who run the oft-neglected AH’s in Valley of Honor, Valley of Wisdom, and Valley of Spirits because they figure if they disrupt the one @ Strength they can get a bigger piece of the pie. “It’s an inside job!”

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I mean, it’s not a big deal. The auctioneers respawn almost instantly anymore and there’s three other AH he either to too scared to go to or doesn’t know exists? Or maybe he just likes repeating the same action over and over.

I guess? But it’s less annoying and more perplexing. Like, what does he see in this? The auctioneers respawn almost instantly. There’s usually only like two or three people using that AH when he shows up. I just :person_shrugging:

There’s better ways. I mean, he could attack all the other AHs too. It sees less like he’s trying to annoy people and more like he’s just fixated on doing this same thing over and over. If I were doing this to annoy people I’d drive people to other AH and then go kill those auctioneers. Repeat.

That would require getting to know the person. Maybe they have a personal vendetta against any and all money/currency systems? Maybe they are wealthy irl and just don’t really care about money and it’s their way of “sending a message”? Maybe they think they are disrupting economical flow? Maybe that is really how they have fun?

When it comes to that person/character; I have more questions than opinions.