Yea, its a huge chore that takes the little hours I have each day to play the game during the work week to cut off the joy I have in instanced content with the monotony of daily grinding on ground mounts. If it was engaging I would not turn on youtube and netflix while doing it. AS long as Blizzard is focused in forcing me to doing these grinds for player power I will always advocate for flying. This grind is not meaningful, difficult, engaging or worth developer resource time. The majority of players stop doing this daily content quickly which is why blizzard forces us to play it by tying player power progression to it.
I’m aware of the psychology behind it. It’s very similar to slot machines. Quite a lot of videogame developers and publishers utilize teams of psychologists to come up with ways they can implement addiction into a game and how to profit from that addiction. I don’t really know how this relates to flying, if you want to elaborate.
If you’re talking about flying mounts in the real money store, then that’s purely cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay mechanics - like those MTs that mobile games have. Still egregious, but different.
Lack of willpower from others is not a concern to me. Fly or don’t, the rest is bluster.
And I agree with you.
My solution, is to take away the daily grind. I do not believe it makes sense for you to have to do this daily grind that makes you so unhappy that you want to have the flying skill to pass it quicker.
You know which stuff you enjoy, then blizzard should give more of the stuff you enjoy, and take away the need for flying.
If that happened, then maybe not as many players would clamour for flying skill to be in the game?
Not just that I have argued that Blizzard needs to make ground travel more interesting. I have posted many suggestions in how they can do this by expanding mount equipment and giving mounts active abilities. Sadly this kind of feedback is ignored so all I am left to understand is that travel is not being worked on even though its something we all do.
If you could fly over dungeons or raids or any content, you would. It’s not from a lack of willpower. You’d simply be stupid not to fly anywhere you can fly. The rules change whether it’s your concern or not.
OP, I think the problem is more that you burnt yourself out on the ridiculous Pathfinder grind than flying itself. I’m personally pro flying and STILL need a break for a few months after grinding out Pathfinder. It’s that awful.
It’s totally different from fun grinds to get better gear, or exclusive cosmetics. Pathfinder is mindless busywork to earn the same thing you already earned over and over again, all while flogging you via 3,000 enemies per square inch and daze everywhere.
And for all of those “Go BaCk tO cLaSsIc” types, Vanilla did NOT have the level of daze and enemy intensity the post-Legion game has unless you ran circles in the middle of Corin’s Crossing in EPL or the Gnoll camps in Elwynn or whatever. You can literally boot the classic client up right now and see for yourself. You were grounded but the zones were much bigger, the monsters were organically spread out and clustered only in places that made actual sense like Ogres in an encampment, and there were WAY less circular, winding mountain paths.
tldr: Pathfinder’s current implementation is garbage, you can land on the ground and run if you prefer, and it feels hollow because FLYING OVER CONTENT YOU’VE ALREADY MILKED TO DEATH IS NOT A REWARD, IT NEVER WAS AND IT NEVER WILL BE.
I often take the flight path even when I do have flying. A flight path allows you to do things that flying doesn’t. I forget I have flying sometimes and use a ground mount, and when I realize it isn’t omg I wasted so much time.
If I enjoyed using a ground mount over flying it wouldn’t be an issue for me to just use a ground mount and not fly. So it is really hard for me to understand the min/maxers of this game that would be FORCED to fly even if they didn’t want to.
Last time I looked at the stats for pathfinder only about 50% of the players are even getting flying so your argument really doesn’t hold up.
Mmmm, no.
To boil it down its the “you think you want it, but you dont” argument. Limits are what make a game, and flying abrogates the limits of world content, effectively making the game linear (fly/stealth from point A to point B, and everything inbetween may as well be an unpopulated, assetless white plain).
I 100% accept the argument that frankly, you and others just dont want to do the content that Flying lets you skip. Imo thats a contnet argument, not a flying argument, but I dont blame you for trying to cling to one of the only mechanics Blizzard grudgingly lets you have to avoid wasting ungodly hours of your finite lifetime.
Frankly, I simply dont think an open world or world content is suited to most WoW players or what they want out of the game (despite how many of them would complain if it were gone).
Look at what types of games have meaningful world spaces. Strategy games, survival games, exploration/building games. Come up with your own list if you want, but WoW has none of the elements of these games, that make their worldspaces work, like real resources.
Conceivably there are ways to introduce these sorts of elements into WoW, for instance allowing everyone to have flying from expansion start, but your flying mount is a resource, with limitations and needs. Orrrr weather conditions that inhibit flight temporarily or regionally.
Id like that, others would like that, but imo too much of the WoW playerbase is too far gone, and literally anything that gets in the way of Raidlogging, to them, is anathema.
These posts are idiotic.
“fLyInG iS bAd BeCaUsE i DoNt LiKe It. I mUcH pReFeR wAsTiNg 3 HoUrS cIrCuMnAvIgAtInG cAnYoNs, RaViNeS, aNd ClIfFs”
Have it it bro but otherwise shut the hell up. For every one of you that hates flying there’s 10 of us who not only find it better for the overall game but actually enjoy it.
Stick to Classic. No flying there.
Your post is stupid. You basically described how YOU have fun. Like nobody cares. Well I have fun flying over and enjoying the beautiful scenery and checking out places that can only be seen via flying.
Also you’re ignoring the massive QoL boost flying brings when it comes to leveling alts since you can redo the same damn boring content but faster.
Pathfinder is cancer was the most vindictive way for the WoW team to bring it back after making the idiotic decision to remove it in the first place.
This is a wall of text completely irrelevant to what I was talking about. I was talking about videogame microtransactions, which you replied with the psychology behind them and related that to WoW’s flying without elaborating on it. Which is why I thought you meant in-store game flying mounts - the only thing I could relate to MTs in WoW.
I haven’t even given my stance on whether or not I’m pro or anti flying. I’m just going to refer you to my first comment in response to OP, just to give you an idea.
While I would totally turn flying off for my established characters (some of them I’m still gearing lazily through WQ’s and time is not always on my side) I’m not sure it needs to offer better rewards? Not that I’d complain if I got better rewards. Heck no. Two birds, one stone.
It’s just that I know what the logical argument would be, “why should I be punished for unlocking flying!?” No. I think the better option would be for trash mobs (on the way to our destination) to drop stuff worth killing them for, and not bag space consuming junk items that sell for wildly varying amounts from a handful of silver to a pocketful of gold.
I’ve played quite a few mmos that does not have flying and it really comes down to the developer/map designer how well it’ll work. Often you can really feel how they made something take more time just for that sake alone. That’s when I get a bit annoyed. I don’t mind well designed areas where it doesn’t feel like you’re wasting time going from A to B.
Flying is one thing but some mmos take it a step further by allowing you to instantly teleport between areas. I like flying as a solid middle ground.
Did not read the mini thesis let me guess it’s Sunday and about Wpvp
The logical argument is that it’s not a punishment for having flying on. It’s a reward for turning flying off.
no, how about you shut the hell up. or maybe you can take your toxic dudebro attitude and gtfo? I have an opinion and a damn right to share it.
Some of you are completely ignoring the fact that the game makes flying as hard, as boring, and as tedious as possible to get while ALSO designing the game with flying in mind.
You know why you liked riding around in Classic? Because the game was built with land mounts in mind. There weren’t many areas in old zones (pre-Cata) that presented impassable terrain. For the most part the terrain was flat and allowed fairly straightforward travel.
Today’s zones feature mountains, cliffs, ravines, trenches, bodies of water, etc that make every zone a nightmare to navigate on land. Even new cities like Boralus and Zuldazar are navigation nightmares with massive winding alleys, infinite flights of stairs that spiral out in maxes, etc.
Have you even been to Nazjatar? It is the worst-designed zone ever made, possibly rivaling pre-Cata/pre-Legion Silithus where every mob stunned, snared, and slowed you.
Not how the people that want to fly will see it, and you know it. And since they’re the ones with a gripe, they’re the one’s that will keep screaming about it.
GD is nothing if not a pit of criticism and complaints.
Not how the people that want to fly will see it, and you know it. And since they’re the ones with a gripe, they’re the one’s that will keep screaming about it.
The only ones who see it that way would just be the pessimists. The game shouldn’t be developed by pessimists; otherwise the game would literally be developed by these forums, which are inherently pessimistic.