Long Topic

Good idea, yes, please, let’s have a shard or w/e where all the people who hate flying, can be happily grounded forever, and stop trying to nerf flying even more than it already has been. But let’s take it a step farther, because you know, otherwise you will eventually turn that flying on again, and come back to complain about that. Maybe Blizzard can add an irreversible option to opt out of flying permanently, in any current and future content. Then you won’t ever have to be bothered by being able to fly, ever again.


because the core of the game is “go here do this, come back to me”.

The method we use to do those things, is different based on what travel methods we have available and what abilities we can use to complete the task.

If I have flying available, my immediate thought is to fly to the location in order to do that thing. I don’t consider running, because the game is telling me that it is important to do this task. I have time management priorities too. If I can fly to a place, and it is fastest to fly there, I would naturally assume that blizzard has paced the game to take a reasonable amount of time to fly to the destination, I have to assume going on ground would take exceptionally longer, and would not be as fun?
It’s the natural interplay between player and game designer.
If a mode of transport is made available and is allowing me to achieve my objective quicker, then it is the correct option.

It’s like… when flying is expected to not be an option, the areas are smaller. beginner areas have quests put closer together and so do the newer zones. all these newer zones are made with ground travel in mind because of pathfinder, but when flying becomes possible, all of a sudden it’s world quests which are often placed very far apart.

Ugh, I feel a bit like I’m not making much sense now. sorry, my brain is starting to get all confuddled. it’s my dyslexia. it happens. I hope you can make sense of what I wrote ^_^;

TLDR? if I can fly, it is the first thing I naturally think of, because the game prompts me to think that way. the game never says “go this place whilst looking for hidden things on the ground along the way” it’s never made like that.

Your opinion is terrible, and flying is a freedom that can’t be enjoyed in only the X and Y axis. Stick to your ground mounts and parkour until your legs fall off, instead of trying to dictate fun for other people.



To the OP:

Flying may have ruined the game for you but it opened it up, expanded it and made it much more enjoyable for me.

To each their own.


Parts of expansions require flying. This isn’t going to happen unless revamps of old content were to happen.

Just don’t get Pathfinder. Your problem is solved.


How is that equivalent? Flying is not content. It’s a mode of transportation. If you don’t want to fly, then don’t fly. Why are you telling people not to do content? Especially when pathfinder makes you do such content to unlock flying.


Your complaint here is largely that you can’t change how you approach the game. This toon does stop and explore on the ground. That’s because I change my mentality when playing this toon. I’m not sure why this is so hard for you.
I use the same keybind for mounting up on all my toons. For this one, I always make sure that the relevant mount is a ground mount. With that simple adjustment, this toon doesn’t fly unless I consciously make the decision to have him fly, which doesn’t happen except in specific circumstances that I outlined earlier in the thread.


That’s a 100% lack of willpower YOU problem.

Then you value efficiency over what you claim is fun. You should be pro flying based on this.

Again 100% on you. You should be playing the game in the way that is the most fun for you.

You’ve almost got it…

Size of the zones and spacing of WQs do not change over the course of an expansion. It’s the same content you were doing on the ground before flying became available. Why is it all of a sudden just impossible to do on the ground once you have flying?

I’m not trying to bash on your play style. For the record I’m fine with having flying/non flying shards but I’m just trying to poke holes in the logic of someone against flying.


honestly, it seems like when you asked me the question, you didn’t really want to listen to my answer, you just wanted to attack me. If you really wanted to know my reasons then why not actually listen to what I say and understand why I feel this way? you said you’re not against a no-fly shard, then why do you need to attack me? just try to understand what my feeling is, I am not 100% wrong, I just have a different opinion to you.
It’s not 100% my fault these things, it is the psychology of games and game design and not everyone is the same.

I am a type of player who will play grand theft auto and refuse to steal cars or attack people. That is willpower. I have all the willpower in the world, it is al about what ad how a game is designed.

Nothing about the game design changes from when we’re restricted to the ground and when flying opens up. Nothing changes about the WQs or the zones. How would having a no fly shard help? By forcing you to make a choice you apparently can’t make on your own?

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Flying took a lot of adventure out forsure. Remember getting on top of org? Or under SW. o top of the black smith and the inn in goldshire was always fun.


More evidence-free supposition

Stinks of sock puppet self high fiving

I reiterate

When you have a way to verify whether what they are saying is true, or not, one that does not involve evidence-free supposition, then it will be.

You cannot prove nor disprove someone’s claims. Evidence-free suppositions are not proof, and or evidence.

Possibly a decent idea; you could play with like minded; I just doubt there will be much interest.

Now for a zone like Pandaria island, that has odd mechanics and challenges, I’m OK with that, but don’t want too many places like that.

Personally I love flying and scanning the landscape from the air.

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What in the world are you going on about.

It is. No where is it written that you have to do current content. I guess you don’t like flying that much if you choose to play content without it.

Good. Working as intended.

Before I even read your OP, before I even looked at your armory I knew what kind of player you were lol.

You do absolutely nothing, don’t play the game as intended (which is actually pretty hard to do) & then complain about it.


Biggest load of crap I’ve read so far.

how does a player have a 425 ilevel and 2620 achievements by doing absolutely nothing???

Sure, I haven’t done ALL the dungeons in bfa, but you know why? because I don’t need to be a completionist and if doing literally everything is playing as intended in your mind then you must have no life. I feel sad for you.

It’s not even worth arguing with someone like you because you have eternal blinders on. It’s sad too because I know you’re not trolling and honestly believe in the nonsense you’re typing.

I just want you to maybe come to the realization that people are looking at you with pity, and they are not sympathetic to your cause but to you as a person. Why? Because the things you are saying are crazy.

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I look at you with pity and so do a lot of people because you think the way a player plays a game is so important and effects your life so badly that you have to actually attack them.
please see some therapy and try to get some meaning in your life.

p.s. get your damn rep with the rustbolt resistance before trash talking me. it’s so embarrassing to see someone criticise another when they don’t even have more than neutral on rustbolt.

When you edited that out of your above post originally, I had hoped it was because you looked at my neck & realized your mistake.

I’m sorry for thinking you were smart enough for that. I shouldn’t have given you credit & called you out for it initially. My bad.

I had looked at your pathfinder achiev, but it doesn’t matter because you are trash talking on this character. you should choose a character that has stuff on it before trash talking a person.

get your damn rustbolt rep you are looking so sad.