Long downtimes are to force engagement on other Blizz games

Change my mind.


SoD has better player numbers than Retail.


I think they’re spread way too thin to provide a complete game experience in any of their games. The default now is having to fall back on other wow games, other Blizzard games, and microgames like blunderstorm.


Meanwhile I’m over here playing an offline game on my 3DS…


I’ve been watching videos of guys mowing lawns in an attempt to psych myself to mow my own lawn.


I mean given some of the lazy design we’ve seen lately (That is likely to only get lazier come TWW), maybe lol.

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Instead of watching grass grow, you’re watching grass mow…be mowed…yeah. Nailed it!

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people still play other blizz games?



No point as this is a bait thread. We all know this is for a patch, peddling conspiracy theories is just stupid.

I went outside and looked at some grass. We had a lot of rain yesterday, so the grass was too wet to touch.

Well the only Blizz games I’ve played since D3 are WoW and Hearthstone so in my case it’s not working out for them.

Considering the only games I play are WoW and HearthStone, I guess I really can’t. Then again, I play a couple hours of HS every day, so its not exactly in place of WoW…

Jokes on blizz I’m playing Goddess of Victory: Nikke :peach:

Up until this spring I’ve been overpaying some guy to mow my lawn. I’m not satisfied with the job he’s been doing, since he doesn’t trim. I finally had to accept that if I didn’t want to have to duck under my neighbor’s bushes to open my car door, and wanted the lawn to be trimmed rather than having thicket-ey weeds encroaching on a large portion of the backyard, and small trees removed from the strip of flowerbeds around the house before they turned into big trees, I’d have to do it myself.

He’s still doing the next door neighbor’s mowing, and she’s got the bush problem even worse.



Is it working?

I feel like if it ever came to light that this was an actual policy, this could potentially be illegal due to being a bait and switch unless Blizzard refunded us for the time of the maintenance.

If anything, it makes me buy some new game in a Steam sale.

Or like do anything else….?

I don’t like other games.

Change my mind that I don’t want to or care about changing your mind.