Long downtimes are to force engagement on other Blizz games

I had a great lawn service, but I really can’t afford it! My health is improved enough that I THINK I can handle it this summer myself.

I crunched numbers and figured out that the cost of a new mower was less than the cost of a growing season of mowing service. I bought a fairly heavy duty electric mower that bags, mulches, or side discharges. I LOVE it! My sibling is going to take my old gas Honda or I will sell it.

I find that I actually do a better job myself! It is also very very satisfying to do before and after photos of my yard to encourage myself. I too watch some of those lawn guy videos.

Next up is cutting back my shrubberies (azaleas and rhododendrons) after they bloom. Something the lawn service did not do.

Sending you lots of lawn motivation thoughts!

It’s actually forced engagement with the community forums when your bord.

Blizzard has games other than WoW?!

I refuse to play any other blizzard games besides wow and its classic variants

That’s true. On retail maintenance/patch days.

No need to change your mind.
Youre gonna believe what you choose to believe…and that has no bearing on reality.

I’ve been so tempted to get into offline retro games lately.

no i dont think so because if this is the actual case then they are going about it extra wrong. id just assume all of they’re games will have a long time maintenance and just refuse to play any game made by blizzard.

An odd claim to make even if it’s meant to troll.

Most people are at work during the downtime.

Please stop wasting tinfoil on bottom of the barrel nonsense, thanks.

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But you cared enough to reply :slight_smile:

I went out to my garage and found a push mower that seems to be mechanically sound. Unfortunately, it’s dull and nobody local sharpens them locally anymore. I guess it’s time to buy a new electric mower. With how much I was paying a month, I’ll be ahead no matter how much I pay.

Why don’t you just take off the mower blade and sharpen it?

Stop, I only have so many trolling flags to give out today.

Work was invented by Blizzard to trick players into spending a few hours not using their servers while still effectively paying for it.


Pfft, im off doing IRL stuff or playing FFXiV when WoW is down.

A reel mower is designed with a number of spiral blades that are attached to a cylindrical reel. It takes a special metal shop setup to do the best job of sharpening it. I suggest you look up “reel mower images” to understand how they work. There is no motor on them, you just push forward and back as you mow.

It is possible to sharpen one yourself, according to youtube videos. It would probably take me longer get what I need to do that as just to buy a new mower. I may do that.

Reel mowers need to be used often. They don’t work well when the grass is long.

… not thanks to S3.
Not any more.

Who knew that Palia and Old Republic were Blizzard games. :thinking: