Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

in your world did the W1 race exist pre token?

What’s that gotta do with how tokens are pay to win?

True but I don’t think a small minority of elite players dropping absurd money for gear is an issue. A couple of whales paying their way to early tier sets isn’t a big picture problem.

Its not even a little picture problem.

Someone else getting gear or a mount has no effect on you as a player whatsoever

Doesn’t have to be absurd money. case in point how diablo 3’s real life money auction house.

because they spent tons of gold for 843975934875 years to get situated for the races. that have existed since vanilla. do you think they just gave up every idea of making gold/being prepared so they could throw thousands of dollars per tier to the same thing?

or are you convinced that none of them do anything for gold at all and just bought it from 3rd party sources?

the entire “point” you’re trying to make is completely illogical and doesn’t hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny, or critical thinking.

False, There’s no current guild in the RWF top 5 that started in vanilla wow.

Let’s put this to rest already.

You can pay players with regular ol non token gold.

If players weren’t selling runs/gear you could buy all the tokens you want and it gets you absolutely nothing.

Therefore, the token in and of itself is not p2w.

Well according to the logic in this thread, since Blizzard put gold in the game, they support botting.

Or you can even say that since you can’t get into the latest raid without buying the xpac or having an active sub, then that makes WoW p2w.

It’s absolutely ridiculous and butchers the original meaning of p2w.


I feel bad for folks wasting their gold to be carried, when they can simply still be carried, for free. But, it’s their gold, I guess.

From which the gold comes from other players via the AH.
Gold wasn’t printed out of thin air.

having options to get the “win” doesn’t mean paying real life money for it isnt pay to win.

Holy crap! How oblivious are you?

Top guilds like this get gold by selling carries, BOE epics they get from raids, etc…if one player can sit on millions imagine how much gold entire top guild has.

Believe it or not, this game offers way to earn a lot of gold, just because you’re not capable to, doesn’t mean others can’t.

Also…that is not how WoW token works…WoW tokens don’t add gold to the servers economy…it’s all from players who bought those tokens for their gold.

But the difficulty of acquiring gold is diminished by someone that’s using tokens. hence pay to win.

Yes it does. If it involves other players in the transaction by definition not p2w

It does when you’re trying to climb rating in arena. I don’t care about pve boosting but pvp boosting is a problem.

I bought all the AOTC with tiny amounts of gold. It was worth it to me to spend that gold to get it now than spend nights watching some boring Twitch stream and to cross my fingers in hopes I get in.

So I’m not sure what you’re feeling sorry for. I feel more sorry for the people having to watch the same fight over and over and over and over.

the whole anti token thing essentially = i don’t like it, so it’s bad. in WoD you printed money from your garrison and the token sold for like 20k. who in their right minds would spend a dollar for 1k gold to the point they could try to afford carries that way? it only shot up at some point in legion when you could exchange it for bnet balance. and i think that’s when the screeching really started. because being able to spend some of your wow gold on hearthstone card packs makes you literally satan.


Did one of the top guilds spokespersons told you that? That’s so on brand for them. Oh you.

Even then no it doesnt because PVP is mostly skill based.

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