Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

The effort of the person paying for the carry is forced onto the other raiders, the same amount of effort is being put in.

And I know plenty of players who wouldn’t have a raid slot in their AOTC guild if they weren’t friends with the rest of their raid team.

Players who aren’t at a certain level of skill end up on teams who clear content that’s above them all the time for a variety of reasons. Unless we want Blizzard to start imposing restrictions on when it’s acceptable to invite someone to your group I don’t see why the reason the raid invite was offered is relevant.

Friendship, skill, and gold are all paths to a raid invite and raid invites are not a service that Blizzard offers. Do we really want Blizzard to control player decisions on who they can play with like that?

Ok… and that proves…?

that doesnt invalidate anything.

some people can get in for free due to either skills/nepotism/references.

and some people can get in by paying gold. that can be bought by tokens. that can be bought by real life money.

Its no different then if you went out and killed boars in Elwynn Forest and paid for it in all copper.

Except I spent the time to kill the boars, and gave it to you and you paid my sub. Thats it. The same amount of time, effort, and money exchanged hands between you, me, the carries, and blizzard (except they get a $5 cut for facilitating the transaction)

Thats it. Until you can just swipe your card and nobody else has to lift a finger but you still get the rewards, it is NOT pay to win

It proves that currency can be exchanged for goods and services and that division of labor incentivizes people to exchange their currency for the expertise and goods that someone else has that they themselves do not possess.

Which I’m sure comes as a shock to everyone.

and… ? I’m waiting for you to make a point here.

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Proves pay to win. You won your concept of “winning” by “didnt feel like it”.

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Point is because of how tokens are paid for by real money, it has become a source of a pay to win situation.

So it wouldn’t be P2W if I just Venmo’d the money to JohnnyGoodAtWoW for the raid invite like I would in every other MMO on the planet?

Until they are funded without player gold, no its not

But getting the mount didn’t win a competition. There was an unlimited amount of AOTC mounts.

There is ZERO difference between buying a token, getting gold, buying ore then crafting an engineering mount and using gold to get a raid slot. I didn’t win a competition. I didn’t win WoW. I crafted/bought a mount.

Never in the 17 years of this game has getting a mount won the game.

I mean as long as its not blizzard controlled then its not pay to win, you’re just cheating at that point :stuck_out_tongue:

I be tinkin da tokens do indeed be a big funder for da people wantin to pay for runs through things. I think so because since tokens became in da picture we have players selling runs for gold more so than ever. It’s always been a thing to sell runs but not at this capacity.

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Not gonna even try to read that

Good news. Carries are not Blizzard controlled. That is not a service Blizzard offers.

Why is it cheating? The rules of the game are that if I am on the raid team and in the instance when the boss is defeated, then I am considered a winner along with the rest of my raid team. Carries don’t use any hacks or exploits to down bosses, they down them the way they’re meant to be downed.

Where are the rules that stipulate the reasons I’m allowed to invite someone to my raid team? Which rule is being broken?

good news, tokens are blizzard controlled. which players abuse to pay for carries.

because that’s not how the game works. you are using a 3rd party influence that isnt blizzard sanctioned to expedite your gaming experience.

The only difference now is that Tokens are blizzard sanctioned and thusly pay to win.

And to add on to this: if you go to the wrong booster and they take your gold and log off, Blizzard will not help you get it back. If you had all your conversations in Discord, they won’t punish the person that took your gold.

So how is WoW p2w again :rofl:

No, that would be you using a third party to boost you inside of WoW. Blizzard isn’t even in the equation?

You know that guilds fit under that definition, right.

Disband your guilds guys. Guilds are cheating.

That’s exactly my point. Blizzard isn’t in the equation when it comes to carries regardless of how those carries were paid for. Whether it be gold obtained by grinding/trading in-game, gold obtained by trading a purchased WoW-token, or real money paid outside the game. I don’t see how those are any different and why one should be pay to win when the others aren’t.

How is this pay to win?

This can and does exist without outside IRL cash sources.