Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

That’s getting into conspiracy theory territory. We don’t have any reason to believe that Blizzard is lying about what the WoW token is and more to the point, it would probably be illegal for them to do so since real money is involved. As the one making the claim, I would say burden of proof is on you. You can’t really ask your opponent to prove a negative either since that’s somewhat impossible. I don’t see any reason why we should factor in this assumption.

and the people who bought the carries didnt buy tokens either? it may take a few extra steps but its happening.

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So if I earn my own gold and buy a carry its still p2w?

How is it any different from getting the gold from someone else? I’m just paying for their sub and they are giving me their gold. The time and effort was still spent for the gold.

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You know what happened when someone was really good at making gold before WoW token? They sat on a million gold waiting for some new mount to come out. They gold they made, most of it was effectively taken out of the economy. Now you get really good at making gold you actually have something to spend it all on, or at least much more of it. It finds its way back into the economy at a much higher rate than it used to.

So have I, people with millions of self made gold in this game isn’t nearly as common as you might think it is.

But what does that boost get you exactly? Do the top 100 guilds automatically invite you? Do you win pvp and m+ tournaments? I’ll go with something less extreme: if you buy a KSM mount, can any scrub automatically be good enough to complete a 16+ or above?

I just don’t understand you people’s argument that WoW is p2w.

  • You don’t buy skill.
  • Getting KSM, rating in pvp, mythic gear can be obtained for free.
  • Swiping your card doesn’t purchase any of this from Blizzard. You have to do some Kevin Bacon, 5 degrees of separation through a third party to get what you want.

And it’s not that rare to have enough gold to buy a boost. People keep saying it cost a token or two tokens… are you trying to say it’s rare to have 400k? LOL ok.

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Let’s have a better conversation: How toxic is it that the RWF guilds are pressuring players into loot-locking themselves, effectively screwing over the players’ guild’s raid loot progression, and that’s a perfectly okay design choice that manufactured this sort of degenerative gameplay push?

Oh we were talking in the context of inflation. My b I only had half the context. I thought we were talking about AH goblins affecting the market by hoarding tons of gold that never gets moved.

None of that says the token is driving inflation. It says that, if there is inflation, it’s because there aren’t enough gold sinks for when it “finds its way back into the economy”. The rate at which tokens mediate that exchange is irrelevant to inflation.

Yeah, you can see it if you scroll up. I don’t know why I’m trying to clarify to this guy why the token isn’t what drives inflation. Seems like a lost cause.

I only came into this thread to ask what I asked above:

Do the people who make these thread have some sort of goal or endgame?

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You can pay money to get what many would consider winning the game.

Any disambiguation of that is purely based on semantics, and the way money comes from that to Blizzard is straightforward and working exactly as intended.

I could win a basketball game based on skill, or I could pay a few ringers to do it for me. I would win, I would get a trophy, and it would be 100% pay to win. Just because I could also choose to not do that does not make paying and winning somehow not pay to win.

There’s a reason the game is still profitable after losing most of it’s players, the remaining players pay more.

LOL you must be a lawyer in real life.

There may not be enough gold sinks, but there also have never been enough gold sinks. What things cost in WoW is directly related to the availability of the gold to pay for it. Before the token nobody had a way to tap into the millions of gold stored away on bank alts and gold capped characters. They money they had was the money they had. Now the money you have is effectively always gold cap because if you need more you is always multiple people with goldcap willing to give you some. We went from almost everyone having very limited money to anyone who wants to have lots of money having lots of money. Obviously that makes people try to charge more for their goods/services thus causing inflation.

Except you’re missing the currency transaction.

You didnt just pay the players, you got gold from someone elses work.

At the end of the day, the exact same amount of work and effort was put into the game. The wow token just shifts the effort from the player to the gold producer and the carriers.

I would have assumed that the main thing that drives inflation would be the lack of a proper gold sink. New gold is “minted” every time a player kills a mob and it only leaves the economy when we spend the gold at an NPC vendor or when a player quits and their life savings disappear. Players trading gold between themselves whether or not they do so with the WoW token wouldn’t affect inflation. You would need a good way for gold to exit the economy to fix that. I’m not sure we really have something like that unless you wanted to include things like the new mounts/infinite rune at the ZM rep vendor. We don’t have a massive 5 mil mount to eat up a bunch of gold anymore.

Auction house fees, Repair bills, Transmog costs, gear and vendor costs are all little gold sinks. Not everything has to be big multi thousand cost mounts. The former are all good at removing the gold from the common player, and the latter is good from taking it out from the rich players

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There wasn’t a gold sink, but there was also no reason for the millions of gold people were sitting on to find its way back into the market. Most of the gold on these gold capped bank alts was effectively dead gold, out of the economy.

I don’t think this is a good comparison because there’s no end trophy to WoW like there is for the NBA playoffs.

This is how I see your stance: You want to paint your house red so you go to Wal Mart and buy a bucket of red paint. You then hire a contractor to paint your house and that contractor has 10 employees come to your house and paint it.

Then your neighbor comes over and ask who painted your house and you say “Wal Mart” then your neighbor says you cheated because you didn’t do it yourself.


how can i get set up do it ? i want 95 milone gold goodjob me , i get alot gears now almost 170 in WOW game , they can do a tradeswamp on me


I don’t speak troll, can you repeat it in an understandable language?