Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

Where do you suppose the people who buy the runs get probably a majority of that gold?

I’m not going to assume. In the past I’ve had millions of gold and zero came from a token.

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And this is definitely the most original post ever…

I don’t think you understand how the tokens work.


Hey, go and google this

yeah there’s no pay to win in WoW. :roll_eyes:

There’s no way Blizzard could stop it, these websites are all so terribly difficult to find. It’s not like they have access to google…

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I literally told you in the last post that there is more gold in the economy than there would be because the AH goblins are incentivized to not only make more gold than they otherwise would but also give that gold to other people instead of just sitting on it.

The boosts are provided by other players. They didn’t swipe their credit card and get a raid achievement.

People selling their skills is so far from P2W its not even funny


If the WoW token didn’t exist, world first races would still move astronomical amounts of gold. The tokens aren’t what’s important. The gold is. World first guilds aren’t dumping their entire life savings into WoW tokens to get the gold they need to fund their races, they get them from selling carries for in-game gold or by taking out gold loans. The same way they did long before the WoW token even existed.

World first guilds spending 95 million or however much gold on decking out their team doesn’t prove that WoW is p2w, it just proves that gold is valuable. I suppose you can form the link from there that since gold is valuable that makes the WoW token valuable as well, but merely spending a lot of gold doesn’t mean that WoW tokens were involved in that process. That amount of WoW tokens would be something like $12000 which would be an absolutely ridiculous investment to put down every single raid season.

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The gold was still being made. Its not just appearing out of thin air. It doesnt matter if its an AH goblin flipping items or a dual gathering druid who sells herbs and ore. The gold is still moving from one hand to another.

Until blizz just dumps gold into someones lap because they bought a token, the argument that its P2W is fundamentally wrong.



“AH goblins” don’t put gold into the economy either.

Jeeez. That’s a lot of gold. Yea, it definitely seems like it’s p2w/ptw.

So you think the inflation we see in SL is entirely unrelated to the WoW token?

What do you think AH goblins are making gold for? Just to look at the big number? They’re amassing gold so they can spend it on gear and materials in the AH. Any time they do that the gold goes back into the economy. The movement of gold is what matters.

You can’t prove that someone actually buys the game time token though… Blizzard could for all purposes just say that it sold…

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Kinda like how you manage to ignore all other factors in a whole year that could have nothing to do with each other? I mean tons of people make the classic blunder of thinking correlation and causation are the same thing, but tgose aren’t even correlated by time. Fits your narrative though, doesn’t it?

(pirouettes through an Anon thread while handing out cookies with sprinkles!)



Correct. But the movement of gold is not what drives inflation. It’s the influx.

I don’t even care to speculate, but logic suggest the token has nothing to do with it. Inflation is driven by gold being pumped into the economy faster than it is pumped out. The token is just an exchange medium.

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It doesn’t matter who provides the service. Maybe it’s not p2w from the ones offering the carry perspective. But from someone buying the carry absolutely is.
A person pays for a WoW token and uses the gold to pay whoever to carry them. Pay to Win.

Do they have some power to just snap their fingers and make gold appear? Because someone made the gold and purchased w/e item they are selling.

Screenshot here. Literally cant purchase a token because none are being sold at this time

imgur com/lf50kjU


Apparently, I am a sleeping celestial giant in space.

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