Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

They say they got loans to cover these costs and then repay them with either directly carrying the loaner or with money from carries. They might buy some of the gold with sponsorship money too, but when a CE carry goes for millions of gold and you have 24+ weeks to do carries you make a lot of money.

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If you guys could stop reminding me how poor I am in game that’d be great.


You best better since you’re making illogical claims

No race to world first would ever do boosting communities in the past nor would they now since its considered bannable offense


What exactly do you win with free repairs and a flask? lmao


Words have meanings and those meanings matter.

clearly my claims are illogical.

I guess everything this RWF says are really true, They totally dont buy and spend their sponsors money to get ahead. Totally they will never do that.


Right? Since I stopped trying to make gold, I can barely keep a hold of 100k.

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If there were some stickied declaration at the top of the forums stating “Yes, indeed, WoW is pay to win”, would the people who post incessantly on the topic never post again?

Like, what is your endgame here?

The gold only exists in the economy because there is more incentive for people who are very good at making gold to continue to do so, even after they have gold cap and everything they want from the blackmarket auction house.

World first race ? Hello? Kill a boss that you died x amount on mythic. Token comes in many forms of pay to win.

I think this is an excellent question. What is your point? You people screeching about WoW being p2w are subbed so does that mean you support p2w?

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What does this have to do with anything.

The gold is still there in the economy. Its not just -POOF- there because someone bought a token

They win the ability to play the game?

So people buy gold with tokens, and then pay guilds to carry them to wins. Thank you clark for once again proving the exact opposite of what you think your trying to prove.


Shh they dont want to hear that.

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some of them are convinced blizz just puts the tokens up to buy even if they don’t make any token sales. despite the fact they would lose tons of irl money to do that. so. :man_shrugging:

It really should’ve just been bumped up to 99.9m or 999.9m

And…the token is causing inflation because gold that wouldn’t otherwise be in the economy now is which devalues the gold of everyone who isn’t buying tokens?


The gold is already in the economy 4head. If anything its only moving hands to people selling things, or going into gold sinks like mounts

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