Lol WoW pay to win confirmed

Anyone with a sub is contributing to p2w.

Doubling true if you’re subbing with a token because Anon said they are p2w so good job paying for 2 people to win.


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in wpvp if you buy the expansion you’re higher level with better gear than people stuck in bfa. obvious p2w


oof, a p2w thread

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Yea, ditto. I’m not going to watch some yahoos kill a boss. I’ve never liked those videos, they never made any sense to me anyway. Just a bunch of color flashing on the screen.

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One and the same.

Everybody has a different definition of “Pay to Win”. Some people accept that. Other people insist that theirs is the only possible definition. Some of these people go so far as to give us a definition that applies to hardly any games.

During 9.0 trade chat was flooded with ads for PvP carries, all of them saying “gold only” in the ads. A prominent streamer was banned for doing RMT carries. He denied this. Everybody on the bgs forum was saying, “Of course he did it. They all do.” A player on one busy night contacted every one of the ads. All of the ads were asking for “gold only”. Every advertiser the player contacted put that player into discord and offered them a cash price without being prompted.

There’s the “good economy” you’re supporting. Either your main is a booster or you’re naive.

Not necessarily true at all. I rarely see characters with higher ilvls than mine at level 50, or even generally until they are at level 54 or higher. I see many level 50’s with ilvls of 52. I’m not sure what they’re up to, but it’s clearly not even Legion gearing.

It’s an Anon thread.

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Websters disagrees. The definition doesnt change based on your feelings.

Citation needed.

Instead of going off of conspiracy theory’s lets stick to the facts of what we know <3

Free repairs and a flask will in some way help you win a World First race? Or do you mean that after completing a world first run you can buy the mythic boes from yourself (as the only people that actually have them). Pay to win implies some advantage to having gold that would enable you to finish content you normally would not be able to.

The only time you could hope to purchase a mythic raiding run from guilds that sell them is months after these guilds have already completed the raid.

Nothing purchasable on the AH would be enough to make a difference in even a heroic raid if the players that bought it weren’t good enough to start with. The best you could hope for is a slightly easier time. And anything purchasable on the AH is fully obtainable without paying real money for tokens.

For that matter, you can earn far more gold just playing the game than you could from buying tokens. But if you prefer to spend real money on fake money and then pay someone else to play your games for you… have at it. It hurts no one else and stops no one else from playing the game with no more outlay than a subscription.

if they had that gold from selling carries why are they paying people to carry their raiders to funnel gear? just makes no sense imo.

in bfa limit faction changed to ally so they could get the AoO quest loot and the heroic level loot from the warfront. why? because that was weeks of potential drops essentially for free.

Naw, he said 95 mil, theres a video of it prob tomorrow or after the streams done.

Ooooh look at Mr. 6 figures over here bragging!

ladles some water soup into a dirty bowl :pleading_face:


This is quite literally the best example I’ve seen in this argument so far lol.

Followed up by one of the dumbest things I’ve seen.


I see Clark is at it again with his weekly excessive need for admiration!

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oh cool another 200+ post anon thread

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Go out to their twitter accounts and they have ads pinned to the top stating how much they will pay… I know of one paying 4-6M gold per tier piece.

My only problem with this analogy is that my neighbor’s response would be:

“Dude, look at that. Who the hell painted your house? Wal-Mart?”


Everyone needs to be first, even if it means ruining the game.

“He’d watch this country burn if it meant he could be king of the ashes.”

If blizzard were to give a selection of people who say yes in this thread full 278/285 bis, full sockets, max conduits, and a mythic jailor lockout, Echo and Liquid would still kill the boss 1st.


Wow has been pay to win for quite some time now. So many games nowadays have these. So it ain’t anything new.