LOL, take a look at the recent alpha changes

Warlock dev is clearly not interested at making the class actually fun to play.

Yesterday i made a comment that i later deleted in the “inferno updates”.

Basically the comment was about how they are gonna remove everything that makes soul shard spending fun. And i made a comment about how they would remove avatar of destruction, but i didn’t think someone was actually insane enough to listen, it was meant as a joke. A literal meme.

And wouldn’t you know? They just removed avatar of destruction, and dogs have 35% chance to proc demon core instead of guaranteed.

Ill say this: This dev job is not to make a good class, he or she has been put into this position specifically to ruin the spec. No one is crazy enough to think that this is acceptable, so i believe that this is not simply incompetence at this point.

You should be embarrassed of yourself. You’re insane dude. Insanely bad at your job that is.


Yeeeeaaaah. I’d really like an honest open forum discussion with the warlock devs because this is really, REALLY bad, and I need to know what they’re thinking.


Dreadstalkers expiration was one of the only interesting things to track in demo. Making core gen a chance is a terrible change. If they were so concerned about our core generation, they could’ve just made it 100% chance for one, but now we will just be hoping. I can’t understand the direction here.


You know how they said that “chaos bolt” is gone from the tree, at this point i believe they might have straight up removed it.

Nothing is stupid enough at this point for this developer. Get his or her hands the hell off of warlock already.


I’ve been extremely disappointed with all three specs so far. I really want to see the whole thought process on these changes.


Your mistake is assuming that there is some kind of thought process in this.

I honestly couldn’t help but laugh when i saw the changes, at a certain point, it’s just so ridiculous… In clown world you laugh.

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It’s baseline now.


I mean… But is it? How are you so sure that they are not just gonna remove it? I mean with the myriad of stupid changes, at this point nothing is off the table.

They should have made an AoE baseline :confused:


Looks like they’re punishing all of destruction for the 1% of big keystone runners playing rain of fire spam.

These changes are so far off the mark you wouldn’t even get points for it in darts.


You still spam rain of fire, but they removed everything that makes spending soul shards fun.

No more dynamic cdr on GWD, no more avatar.

This is so stupid, there is a more “correct” word to explain just how monumentally stupid this is, but i cannot say it anyway.

The fact that someone is being paid for this should be grounds for a lawsuit.


Demon core, on top of juggling the fast building and spending of shards for the guldan/imps always seemed more frustrating than it was worth. For me this was more to do with the RNG of the additional Demoncores, spending them with Demonbolt, but carefully balancing when to and NOT to use them as to not cap on shard building.

All that being said: more RNG going from 100% to 35% certainly does not help. Yes it may be less overall charges from that but RNG, when hooked into other things you are juggling, is not a fun addition.

If they want to make Demonbolt be amped up in power but no longer generate shards in exchange >>> so that it slows the pacing down without worry of shard cap or juggling >>> but still lets Demonbolt through demonic core be powerful i could see that as a positive. As it is right now it just looks like a disorganized mess.

Honestly that’s been the best part of Demo for me. Machine gunning Demonbolts and having platoons of imps at my feet is incredibly fun, not to mention the mobility having so many cores provides.

If they want to cut down on the cores we generate passively, then they should put more emphasis on Power Siphon. I’ve found myself using it strategically to maximize casts per minute without forsaking mobility and I found that pretty engaging to play. What are imps if not a resource?


I honestly don’t understand the “juggling” part. Juggle what? Just spend.

Demo is fundamentally a build fast/spend fast spec, and outside of a small select few ways of building them passively, it’s more or less purely under our control. When you’re going fast it can very easily get away from you.

Again though, that’s what I find fun about it.

I think some have liked the demon core/demon-bolt iteration and that’s ok. Not my thing, but thats ok. AS long as blizz gives options which is my whole thing really: Choice allows people to build things out that work for them.

I’ve personally leaned more towards MoP as my happy place of playing warlock across all three specs. But i get why some like the current version. Just wish we had more choices to change things to fit everyone’s playstyle for fun.

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I think for me it’s the worry of trying to be efficient and always cast with 3 shards but in constant fear of trying to use core procs but not overcap and waste additional shards being spent.

Whe you only have a shard capacity of 5 that makes it really tight, at least it feels that way to me. But again some like that fast nature/reaction style. If i could talent into increasing the capacity to 10 shards, just to have some breathing room, i would feel less pressure.

That is such a non issue.

If you have 3 shards you spend, if you have 2 you use 1 demon bolt, and then you still have one, which allows you to spend another demonbolt and cast hog again.

Where is the juggling? Just spend.

Anyway, screw warlock, i for sure will not be playing it.

Unless affliction is actually good, but at this point i’m just waiting to see how they are gonna screw it up again. No benefit of the doubt, this dev is AWFUL.

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have you ever had 2 shards, spent a core to get to 4 shards, and then accidentally spent another core because it was instant so you then cap at 5 shards and lose the 6th? that’s the fear. Feels kinda bad.

The instant core are fun, i’ll agree with people on that, and the urge to want to just dump all the insta demonbolts you can if you have a bunch a cores is really high, but you can’t because you’ll cap shard resources.

Surely you have felt that urge when RNG lines up and you have 2-4 demon core and you wish you could just throw them all chained 1 after the other. but again you really can’t because of shard capping.

Again, i get what you are saying, and some even suggest just using addons or watching more on the ui as to not cap. but it “feels” less fun to play the ui game then it is to get a demon core proc and “feel” like you have to manage when to use it rather than be this cool thing that just proced that you want to immediately use.

right? is it?
is it tho?

edit: ok, had a heart attack for about 3 minutes. its baseline


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