LOL, take a look at the recent alpha changes

Never cared because you generated so many losing a few wasn’t a big deal.

And you can always react accordingly.

How is this small issue worth giving up everything? It isn’t.

But at least now you won’t waste anything, because you won’t generate a damn thing.

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Honestly all these changes feel like the era of “You think you do, but you don’t”, this is the devs being stubborn with their vision instead of giving players what they want.

They have been pretty good most of DF about avoiding this pitfall, but whoever is in charge of Alpha Warlock did not get the memo, please, please watch feedback for what PLAYERS WANT, not what YOU THINK is best.

The whole we want Infernal to be a cool moment and Demonbolt to feel special is just dumb, we want good gameplay, not to chase some mythical feeling that doesn’t exist. Also Infernal has felt the most awesome when we summoned a veritable rain of them, not when we get it once every 3mins. Demonbolt is resource builder not a finisher, we don’t want to spam shadowbolt.


Having a preamble saying ‘we’ve got more changes coming!’ before getting into the changes we can see makes me wonder if they’re already aware that what we’ve seen is pretty lackluster, at best.


To be fair, they didn’t say the changes would be good.

I think it’s due time for the lock dev or devs and the boss to have a talk.

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I’ll agree with you that there is a portion of the playerbase that likes this version. I want you to have your version/cake. I’ll also say though i’m not a fan of Demonbolt as a resource generator: rather it reminds me of what soulfire was once long ago as this proc for a bigger hit when you would get it.

Likely won’t happen but it would be nice if we had both options available for people. One of the biggest issues i notice when they went back to the talent tree system was this sense of “directing/leading” players towards what blizz thinks is good or should be used as opposed to what you and others have said about listening to the community. (by this i mean some 70%+ of most trees end up being filled out in talent points so the “choice” becomes more an illusion from the mid-to top half at least)

So to your point yes i think they should offer one option as a generator to fit those that like that but offer another option to those who may want to tweak it into something else. They already have choice nodes for things and that would be a way to allow people to further build out what play-style they like or want.

I don’t actively play Warlock anymore but these Destro and Demo changes are an absolute abomination.

Go back to the drawing board with this.


İ play with demology because I think it’s fun, mobility for me is fun, demonic core = mobility, please stop what you’re doing with demology, are we going to become shadowbolts simulators? Even if it becomes strong, what will be the fun in that?


They did, and this is what they came up with.

At this point all you can do is laugh and point at this clown show.

On the bright side, we’re only a few more alpha builds from all 3 spec trees being entirely made up of “increase _____ by _____%” passive talents, and then we won’t need to provide any feedback at all!


For real. The dev(s) must be huge fans of spamming one button. Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt.

RIP Demonology.


And rip destro too while you’re at it.

Can we get a competent developer for warlock? Is that too much to ask?


Just take us out back at this point.


Don’t worry “we’re gonna fix it”

Still more changes to come, right?

The only change i wanna hear of is that someone was laid off. I’m not even gonna mince my words at this point.

The warlock dev is pushing through with changes that are abominable.

These changes are an abomination, and the warlock dev performance has been shameful since aberrus, and it’s getting worse.

Iv’e literally heard of people saying that they couldn’t make it worse if they tried, and THEY JUST DID!


From top to bottom these changes are bad.

What feels better than an infernal? Multiple infernal.

The justification of “stun” being a core reason why they want to get rid of it is laughable. Killing the class fantasy and aesthetic because the dev decided they know what warlocks want is sad.

Demonology was heading in the right direction with the portal of different demons you can summon throughout your rotation. I assumed, wrongfully so, that destruction was going to be headed in a similar direction. Destruction. We’ve been conditioned since Warcraft 3 that Infernals were destruction incarnate. But they don’t want people confusing the big green infernal with the smaller blue one now?

If the appearance of the infernal is the problem, and they want you to feel “powerful” when it was summoned, they could have maintained the talent and just replaced the blasphemy with a different mob to distinguish. A Doom Guard, or any other demon would have sufficed in this regard.

Killing identity because of “stuns/appearance” is laughable.

I do not mind Channel Demonfire finding a place in our rotation. It’s graphically unique enough and serves a purpose, it just needs a tuning pass and maybe a secondary benefit to using it to feel impactful.

Soulfire is a slow, plodding, graphically uninteresting and mechanically uninteresting ability. It needs a complete overhaul, redesign, name change, or removal. No one misses this ability.

Killing any kind of “skill cap” with dog core management with Demo is another exhausting and brain melting decison.

Demo isn’t an overpowered spec even with the mobility it has now. Now we’re losing a ton of mobility, another spec defining trait, because Demonic Core procs bothered a Dev somewhere.

Not being able to plan ahead of time, 10+ seconds, and properly set up the 2 major demons and 10 imp requirement for Tyrant… Not to mention how absolutely devastating it is even currently to have a single cast interrupted by movement when you’re trying to set up tyrant… All that for a spec that’s currently middle of the pack? It’s devastating.

Every change is a hands on head moment wondering what the hell is going on.

There has been 1 single change that was “awesome” from a mechanics or a aesthetic stand point, and dozens of “why” changes.

I switched over from Rogue permanently after being on that class for 15 years, mostly due to decisions that are eerily similar to the ones happening here currently.

Removal of iconic abilities.
Redesign choices against player wishes.
Removing skill ceiling/decison making.

I sincerely hope that blizzard and the devs read this instant, universal negative feedback, and walk back these changes. I haven’t been this hyped for an expansion since Warlords was announced, and everything detailed above in the blue post feels like a proverbial spit in the face.


“We’d rather you didn’t play demonology.”

Oh boy, can’t wait to cast my favorite spell: SHADOWBOLT!

Seriously, the dreadstalker change feels outright insulting. The passive talent bloat just feels like pure laziness.

I don’t feel confidant to comment damage, but I do feel like I can comment on thematics and how a spec feels, and these changes make demonology feel stale and downright bad.

No one wants to spam shadowbolt. No one wants to spam shadowbolt.

No. One. Wants. To. Spam. Shadowbolt.

These changes are bad. They are really, really, bad. For a spec that did NOT need fixing?!


See, that right there i am with you on: the way a spec feels/plays should come first before anything else. If it feels good, a smooth rotation, fun procs or mechanics, GREAT!>>>> After that comes the balancing and the numbers.


Yes, warlock could do 100% more damage than anyone else, the gameplay is still trash.


There’s a lot of ‘its only alpha’ comments so far.

A healthy reminder that for the past few expansions, ‘its only alpha’ became ‘its only beta’ became ‘how could they let this go live?’. Pretty much all the time.

Blizzard devs have a notorious habit of once they come up with a ‘vision’ for a class, they lock it in and almost never deviate outside of numerical tuning. The problem is right now, the whole class needs a fresh set of eyes.


Adding to the noise. These changes look awful.

If dog core generation is going to be nerfed, I’d much rather it be 100% chance for 1 core. Would still hate to lose a core, but would much rather be able to predictably play around the cores.

The destro changes are just depressing.

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Not a fan of most of the changes so far. Here are my thoughts / wishlist:

  1. Please give me soulburn + instant cast soulstone or remove soulburn as a capstone, it is underwhelming.
  2. Soul Conduit needs to be at least 10% if it is staying as a capstone.
  3. I am a fan of Pact of Gluttony.


  1. I am okay with Malefic Rapture as a spender. I can live with it.
  2. I like that Aff is getting a 2 shard spender in Oblivion. Can’t wait to try it out.
  3. I do not like how there is a seed of corruption that costs 1 shard and Vile Taint that spreads Agony. I think combining them into 1 new ability that just applies agony and corruption in an aoe setting would be a big win (and not cost a shard). It would help with button bloat as well.
  4. Phantom Singularity needs to be a competitive option. I don’t like how Vile Taint was the default option for both aoe and single target.
  5. Darkglare needs a buff/re-work.
  6. Soul Rot needs to be higher in the tree, it is now needed for Soul Harvester.
  7. Soul Rot → instead of drain life can it be shadowbolt/drain soul? This would be a very fun change…


  1. Not a fan of the direction of this spec. I enjoyed what it was in shadowlands - bring that back. Big Tyrant setup is what I want.
  2. The only reason people enjoy demo right now is the tier set is fun. Doom is close but needs to be looked at again. Not sure if I want another button… but I could live with it.
  3. I like the mobility of the spec and do not want to be casting more shadow bolts.
  4. Bring season 1 tier set as a talent (instant cast hand of gul’dan as a proc).
  5. Not sure why Soulbound Tyrant was removed and not mentioned in the notes. This is important. Please just add the 5 shards into Tyrant ability baseline.
  6. I want a strong Tyrant again that is uncapped with imps.


  1. Hard to judge without seeing the change to the tree. But having that many talents and 2 point nodes is depressing. Please separate Cataclysm and Inferno. These need to be 2 separate nodes.
  2. Inferno is a terrible cooldown and I would rather have blasphemy. Blasphemy is my favorite thing about Destro and it being removed is a terrible decision.
  3. Decimating Bolt is not needed for this spec. It has buttons, they are just bad. If Dimensional Rift, Soul Fire, Shadowburn, and Channel Demonfire are re-worked and tuned to be good, then destro is bloated with buttons.
  4. I would like to see a world where we have instant cast proc chaos bolts in our kit. Our mobility is terrible. Incinerate being able to be casted while moving would be insane.
  5. I think destro needed the least amount of “re-work” and just a pass at the tree and re-organize it and reduce it down to about 45 talent points and almost no 2 point nodes. I think destro in aoe is bad and I wish it was viable if pulling 5 mobs. Ya it is insane when pulling 20 mobs but obviously that can’t stay and Blasphemy was not the culprit.