Lol nerf shadowmeld

Heroic leap, heroic leap …or 2x blink mage, shadowmeld, mount, big F U to people trying to 2v1 .

Shadowmeld drops combat and once you start mounting, only a stun can stop it.

Correction…you can just meld and mount. Mid combat.


I am surprised you didn’t mention NE druids. That insta flight form from Smeld makes them more slippery than even a rogue.


You must be brand new.


I don’t think being new has anything to do with asking for a Shadow Meld nerf :stuck_out_tongue:

When Blood Elf racial was overused in M+ and in PvP in Legion, they nerfed it the following expansion in BfA and completely reworked it into a purge instead of a silence/interrupt.

Yet… They aren’t following that same philosophy for Shadow Meld, despite it being overused in M+ and in PvP. MDI was mostly night elf teams. AWC? Also mostly night elf teams. Every healer was a night elf for the meld + drink combo, every rogue/druid a night elf for meld restealths, etc.

Needs a nerf.


im just saying this has been a thing since the begin times.

Its why many w/pvpers went Nelf in the first place.

Given that they are in the wpvp forums, im guessing it has to deal with wpvp.

I am used to it, and it dont bother me that much. Its easy enough to quickly retarget them and Netomatic them/attack before they can remount.

I would rather leave the race playstyle diversity than remove it just because a couple people get away from me every now and then.


Another nerf SM thread :slight_smile:

Perhaps at some point they might, but oh well then can just roll with the changes just like everything else.

It does if you’re asking to nerf an S tier pvp talent for the most inane reasons. Its basically just a QQ post.

It is by far the most heavily used PvP race right now, and obv its not because you can shadow meld to mount up. and i dont disagree that its probably overly meta centric, but its also one of the few racials that actually does something impactful these days. regardless, its high skill cap so im totally cool with it

Blood elf racial has been a thing since the “begin times.” Yet they nerfed it. I’m just saying, it’s unfair to nerf one racial because of its overuse in content but not do the same to another.

When was Shadow Meld a PvP talent

For the record, I agree that out of all the meld applications, mounting up and escaping WPvP is the least problematic. Silly thing to complain about.

But it is an OP racial that should be nerfed because of its other applications in different areas of the game.


Yeah nerf shadowmeld. While we are at it, let’s nerf feign death. And nerf vanish. Nerf mage invis. And nerf all get-out-of-combat abilities. /sarcasm

Or you know what… Just deal with the fact that classes/races have these abilities and learn to play the game. Or just go nelf yourself. Problem solved.


Y’know, I’d agree with this if they didn’t nerf Blood Elf racial in BfA for the same thing people are complaining about Shadow Meld. People should’ve just learned to play the game but y’know, Blizzard philosophy.


I dont disagree.

Couldn’t of said it better myself. Each racial should have some big benefits and Shadowmeld is one.

Counter point. Buff other racials. Shadowmeld is fine.

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100% agree. Make other racials better.

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As much as I’d love this, Blizzard has a hard enough time balancing everything as is. We have one racial that’s currently an outlier for how strong it is, how much do we need to buff the others by? How do they measure what buffs the other racials get to make it on par with Shadow Meld? What if they go too far with the buffs and suddenly another outlier pops up, do we now nerf that one racial or buff the others to be just as strong again?

The easiest solution is to just nerf Shadow Meld or rework it. Trust me I’d love to have the Blood Elf silence/interrupt back but it won’t happen.

Balance isn’t the main goal for Blizzard (At least it shouldn’t be). Fun is. They need to focus on fun and worry about balance latter. PvP is at it’s best when it’s fun.

A lot of times when Blizz focuses on balance they balance the fun right out of the game and it’s not worth playing anymore. Kinda why I skipped SL and DF. There wasn’t any fun to be had. To much balance or effort to balance ruined PvP.

You’re ignoring the question though. You said to buff the other racials, but how does Blizzard measure what buffs the other racials get to make it on par with Shadow Meld?

Like I said, I’d love to have belf interrupt/silence back, but it’s not happening. It’s easier for them to just nerf or rework meld.

Things are fun when they’re generally balanced. And PvP is at its best when it’s balanced. I understand your argument, Blizzard does have a track record of taking the fun out of things for sure, but at times they also make great changes that aren’t completely overkill.

Shadow Meld could easily be reworked in the following ways that aren’t completely overkill:

Shadow Meld when used out of combat will stealth you like it currently does. Using Shadow Meld in combat will make the next spell or attack within the next 1 second miss.

It keeps it’s functionality of a high skill cap ability, using it to dodge/evade spells, while fixing the broken aspects of the racial (instant combat drop, which is OP for druid/rogue restealths, healers dropping combat to instant drink, and for meld skips in PvE)

I disagree on Dragonflight. Dragonflight had some of the best WPvP.

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Why not. Also bring back old Human racial too.

I wasn’t

Disagree. PvP is at it’s best when everyone is broken OP. People love playing their Classes because they feel OP. They are having fun. The best times in PvP is when this has happened.

To drive home my point on balance take for instance Templates from Legion. Sure it was balanced but wasn’t worth playing because of Templates. The Templates removed the RPG aspects and fun right out of the game. Which is why everyone hated them. The Devs admitted they made a mistake and Templates were removed.

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everybody being the exact same with the same toolkits is “fair” but boring.

Because Blizzard being Blizzard.

Ok, then how does Blizzard measure what buffs the other racials get to make it on par with Shadow Meld?

This falls in line though with Blizzard being overkill. Templates were balanced but it wasn’t fun because they locked you into secondary stats that you couldn’t change. If you wanted to a crit build or a mastery build you couldn’t do that. It took the fun out of customization because you couldn’t.

I didn’t like templates either, but I also certainly didn’t like the hidden scaling mechanic either in BfA for PvP.

Balance can be achieved without templates or being overkill. I think the Blood Elf racial rework was overkill. They could still nerf Night Elf racial without being overkill like I said here:

It’s not very difficult. Restore racials to prior power. Make them all very powerful so it’s a choice. Literally rebuff Human to where everyman for himself removes ALL CC. Buff up every racial.

Yea the hidden mechanic was also trash but at least we had Corruption which made PvP fun. Essences were fun. I liked my Azertite gear and all of it had great synergy so I was broken OP. Which was fun. I had the power of the Old Gods. That is what makes PvP fun.

Balance doens’t make PvP good though. Fun does. PvP can be great without a lot of balance because it is fun. The most important thing will ALWAYS be fun. It just will. I just don’t care about balance it’s an after thought once everything feels fun.

This is a gear based game and we log in to get crazy broken OP power then own it up in PvP. Blizz should focus on that again and PvP will have amazing participation.