Lol GDKP so good people selling Lifetime Subscriptions

Can’t name this specific GDKP, but they are literally the largest, 3000+ member one on Firemaw Era in the EU and single-handedly control the economy and AH to an extent.

I have to put this little picture here I saw updated on their discord (public), after I saw their 650k naxx pot recently in Era lol.

They also have a full roster prepared to run 3x SoD groups too posted on their disc lol.

For 144k gold you can be a lifetime member too roflmao. This getting crazy ya’ll.

It’s not letting me add links, but yea. Firemaw - Era’s Discord, go to the GDKP section, some of the stuff you’ll read on SOME their public discords will blow your mind how out of control this is.

Or just check out my MooMooTauren on Imgur for the screenshot.


For some people this is literally their job.


Just doing the math they advetise publicly (as a recruitment for pumpers and buyers i guess) if they are making 250k+ pots in MC/Bwl, 250k+ Aq 40 pots, and 600k+ (most items presold anyways pots) and they do all raids 3 times a week each… their whole Gdkp group is bringing in an estimated 3,300,000 in hold per week on Era.

The leader gets 10% per raid so thats 330,000 gold alone he gets just for him to do whatever he does, not to mention his cur of the raid pot.

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They probably have multiple toons they organize on as well, sounds like this person knows how to hustle!

Yea to join their guild you have to have a minimum of 3 raid ready 60’s with logs etc. SoD they’re only requiring 2…but man crazy. Guy is even selling “Guides” to learn how to make GDKPs for 400 euros, and class guides for xx euros on his personal website its insane.

GDKP is and always has been an cancer on the game.


Im more curious what kind of habit someone has to need 400k+ gold per week that they do 3 Naxx, 3 Aq40, 3 BWL/MC for over teo years weekly + 2x whatever SoD raids there will be

Why are these clowns are not banned yet?
They are literally spamming every damn chat in-game.


In some poor countries farming gold makes more than having a real job.

Mostly this is just an envy post where you have the feels that other people have more stuff than you.

I didnt mind them in OG Wrath on my server. Items were going to for a few thousand. Not the tens and hundreds of thousands that they go for now.

It was reasonable amounts. You knew a majority of the people had legit earned the gold and not swiped for it.

I don’t mind GDKPs in their original iteration, but these days of even more blatant gold farming that would make bots back then blush, its insane.

This so much

I think tipping point for me is that one flask amd consumables on a raid night cost roughly 1000g on era now…i have no idea how anyone with no friends and no main could possibly start at this point other than HC. An epic mounts worth of gold in consumables per night blows my mind


I love how people downplay the time and effort required by people to organize 40-person (or any size really) raid groups, and keep them filled, pulling on-time, active, fun, and efficient week after week.

A 10% cut (which probably also at least partially covers some of the buffs, ports, or other consumes used by the raid group) seems very reasonable for such a task. Of course, if anyone thinks it’s too much, an incredibly obvious way to combat such a thing would be to create your own group and take a smaller cut!

A 10% cut is more than reasonable. Wotlk is usually a 20% cut. A 10% cut of 3,300,000 + their raid cut+ they keep deductions they apply on the buyers for missing flasks etc, selling weekly, monthly, yearly, and lifetime subscriptions to their gdkp for 6000, 28000, or 144,000g…thats where it gets to shady for me… 400k a week in era is so red flagged its incomprehensible

All this nonsense should be banned.


Whoops, your reply to me made me realize I was posting in Classic, and not Wrath Classic xD

I keep telling people and made some posts about SoD GDKP’s… No one is listening and Blizz needs to ban this behavior. It’ll sour the game for casuals.


Agreed. This should be handled accordingly
Maybe to mitigate this in the meantime, should get a list of the servers this community (it’s not a guild anymore, this is now a community of players) plan on playing on, that way we can help players that want to avoid this steer clear from these realms.

Unfortunately these types follow the crowd, and the crowd follow the streamers, and you end up with one populated server and several hanging by a thread

Here is a direct copy/paste of their SOD plans on their public discord:
***"What Will the Guild Be Like? - ***
The Guild Will Be GDKP with the Same Rules as on Era When 25-40 Man Raids Come Out.
Before that, we will do some 10-man raids with soft reserve/roll with BOE’s hard reserve.
It is required to be versatile and make multiple characters, a minimum of 2 for serious raiding spots (25-40 man raids for the future)
Will Be Semi-Hardcore, With Focus On Improving Speeding Clears Every Week Like On Season Of Mastery

***You will have to apply to get in, and the guild will be called ***
(As we are moving from Era to the Season Of Discovery while playing both).

***How Many Players? 3x 40-Man Raiding Roster: Fill in the Apply Form to Get In (x3 = 120 Players) :pog: ***
***Special Skills We Also Need: :thinking: ***
Help recruiting and advertising.
Class Leaders (who are willing to make guides for Season of Discovery).
Raid leaders for 10-man raids (we can’t host them all).
Officers, with general officer duties (solving disputes)
Video Editor+Recorder, i would like to launch some youtube videos about our future raiding adventures on Seasons! (Get Paid)

***Raiding Times (Future 40-Man Raids, 10-Man Is Whenever We Have time Or Someone Wants To Host A Group) :facepunch: ***
Monday 20:00 - Thursday 20:00
More times & Days will be 100% added, but right now other times are taken by era so we do not know how popular the game will be.
Keep in mind ill free up time for the 40 man raids when they do come out! We will have as goal 3 raiding rosters. (Maybe more!)"

For some folks, GDKP is a lot like streaming, it allows them to make a living playing the game they enjoy.

I’ve seen many regular raiders enticed by the lucrative GDKP racket after one mega payout. Normal raiding where you get a bunch of ppl you don’t know irl gear for free doesn’t hit the same as getting handed 7-8k for a BWL clear.

Oh, you mean Johannes, who runs JohannesPugs GDKP on Firemaw-Era Alliance and runs his operation out of

Yeah I know that one.

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