Lol @ Ashran right now

It’s literally a boss rush, like AV but without lieutenants, and whoever gets there first wins pretty much.

Legit had a 1 minute long Ashran just now (maybe less than that? 45 seconds?), we lost because they beat us to the boss lmao.

It is the fastest one I’ve had yet.

Guess scaling has made things a bit squisher than they should be.

Seems to be the go-to strat.


turning in my 50 thingies is difficult. i wish it would autocomplete.


Well at least players learned to not hit ogre. I call that progress.

We must get ogre!

Okay…why? the dude drops in seconds. The fight to get him clearing out the ogres to impress him…can be longer than he lives in a fight.


Ashran bosses are actually killable now? Man, times really do change. Last time I did Ashran they were drawn out slugfests that lasted 45 minutes even though the winner was pretty much decided in 5

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Yup, I was honestly in disbelief as it ended in around 45 seconds from the gate opening lmao.

We tried to zerg their boss, they beat us to the punch.

It’s one of the good strat, might warrant some boss buff if it’s that easy but it can be punished really easy. If the other team fight you in their base good chance you’ll lose as you’ll get wiped so it’s a gambit.


Yeah, if we didn’t zerg, we could’ve stopped 'em lol.

Ashran bosses are weak af. Only got ~200M HP and I was in a game where myself and a few other stealthies just went in the base and killed them while everyone else was mid.

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Yea lol, I missed where it transitioned, but the same thing happened to me. We won in a few minutes, and I was so confused. I didn’t realize it was a boss rush,but I guess people just want to end it quick. Ashran used to be a good place to farm honor because of the huge battles.

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in season 4 of DF i literally snuck in and solod the ashran boss as a blood dk one time

it wasnt even hard just spammed death strike

its kind of a joke how epic that epic bg boss it

The difficulty pre-nerf was so much more fun compared to now. It was impossible to rush the boss in any way, they deal so much damage that they can wipe the whole group alone. Even if the group manage to survive, the high health pool buys the defender enough time to stop them.

Epic BGs actually felt Epic!


Yeah, when the NPCs are super strong, it forces the raid to stick together, thus resulting in huge clashes.

Weak NPCs result in a zerg rush lol


It was that way through a lot of dragonflight too. My favorite thing to do on that bg is be a hunter and stay on defense and place a bunch of traps. If you can just hinder them from getting to the boss room for even a couple of seconds it usually guarantees a win

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To be fair, I was in a AV the other night the whole team rushed Vann with 4 towers up and won.

Damn, I’ve had groups reach the end of the map, but they’ve never dared tried with four lieutenants still up.

Maybe it’s because we’re capable of doing massive damage now, I should try to get my group to do that next time I get an AV lol

Yes these Bosses definitely need BIG buff, soon !

Yes, but the real problem is that the game now provides an absurdly fast way for people to end it quickly, with NO PvP action at all.

We already had 2 Ashran that ended in less than 2 mins. When a game can end so quickly, people’s focus is all on getting the game over with asap, they don’t care if they win or lose, and no one would bother defending! Whichever side wins quickly and people move to the next.

An Epic BG shouldn’t be like this, and people who enjoy Epic don’t wait in the queue for 15+ minutes for a game that lasts only 2 minutes with no pvp!


Way harder than Ashran since the AV boss has 1B+ with all 4 up, but the whole team went and the Alliance didn’t really try to stop us. I imagine with all 4 up you would need a proper tank(s), but I wasn’t really taking note since it was a zerg.

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Yeah, the 45-sec long Ashran is what sparked me to make the post, as it was my fastest one yet.

It made me laugh when I saw “Defeat” right after the gate just opened and we all ran out.

But then I was a little sad, because I had to just jump back into queue- that Ashran was the “epic battleground” lmao.

I’m not even sure a single player died tbh.


There’s been no real need to hold up other side in the AV since TBC or wrath.

At this point you either got that defence achievement for kills in the room. Or…you don’t.

And if you don’t, its best to not care lol. Best shot at that is KAV, if they put in the older rule sets.

That’s true, but it’s pretty normal to wait for 2 towers to drop and pull the boss then, or that’s what 95% of the PUGs do.