Lol @ Ashran right now

That battleground was a lot of fun back in the day. Especially with an OP Blood DK in arena gear. :skull:

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The problem is if they buff the NPCs the forums will become flooded with complaints. Look at how many people complained when the NPC health was bugged recently?
However I hope Blizzard realizes that the people who complain on the forums are a minority of the player base.

This must be a world record :rofl:

Epic BG shouldn’t be like this, there is nothing epic about Zerg race. By removing all NPCs/Bosses, Gates and Walls from Epic BGs, turning them into big space for open PvP, would be more fun than this Ashran Zerg race.

Remember the pre-nerf ultra tough NPC/Bosses? That is FUN !


I played an Ashran, it happened as well. Both sides rushed to the boss and the game lasted 2m 4s :sob:

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Had one Ashran where we boss rushed and won immediately. Second time the Alliance stayed in their base and wiped us at their boss so instead we murdered them until they ran out of reinforcements. So, guess that boss rush would have been better for them but I got 2.9k honor from that one match.


just watched our boss melt in less than 10 seconds, with me blowing heal cds on him too. what a lame meta lol.

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Yes, this is the problem, they really must be toughened up! It is so wrong when they can melt quicker than an ice cream in an Oven, this early in the expansion!

If buffing Bosses up is too hard for Blizz, at least buff up their Guards and make them hit hard! This would make pushing the Flag meaningful and finally, we can have proper big pvp fights again!

Actually, does anyone know if these Bosses still deal any damage? Maybe they got nerfed so hard and standing there is all they could do now.

Epic BGs are a sad joke since Blizz hotfixed them a few days after launch nerfing the NPC significantly. If an Epic BG isn’t 30-45 mins and 300HK’s then it wasn’t Epic.

At launch Ashran, AV were all over 45mins because you couldn’t kill the bosses. You had to summon Ivus in AV. It was amazing and the best Epics of my life!! Then Blizz said whoops they were overtuned nerfed them hard and now NO PVP happens.

Epics aren’t worth doing anymore and have no PvP in them. I get more HK’s in BG Blitz.

If Blizz can’t get the NPC’s right in Epics they need to remove the bosses.

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Many people enjoyed the experience of Epic fights in these Epic BG. This passion and Epic BG’s low entry point will draw more people into PvP, creating a virtuous circle.

When can we have these amazing Epic battles again?

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As amusing as it is to see ashran end about a minute after the gates open, the bosses health should probably be increased something like 1000% (really) until the battle reaches the phase of ‘defeat the commander’.


just defend the rush.

I hate base race crap
buff AV too

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Blame the player base. Sadly most of the vocal people want battlegrounds over as fast as possible. They don’t care about having an epic battle or even fighting other players.
I guarantee you when or if blizzard fixes this, the forums will be full of people complaining that their game is ruined.

Personally, I say buff them and fix them! I want an epic fight that takes 30+ minutes! Let people who want quick PvE events do delves.


I think there’s an addon for this. I know there was for the AV turn-ins.