I’m not in a guild.
I quit my last guild 2-3 weeks ago because the discussion of cheating(Gold Buying) came up and one of the members straight up said “I bought gold on era to get an arcanite reaper for my shaman” and the officers wouldn’t kick him so I left. I don’t play with cheaters.
I’m currently staying unguilded because guilds are for raiding and I don’t know if I’m going to bother raiding once I hit 60.
I don’t doubt that I do and if they openly admit it I report them and then put them on my ignore list so that I never have to group with them if I’m the one running the group.
The reason is that WoW players are selfish and entitled.
You can see that from people complaining that BWL is coming “Too soon” and they can’t get their MC gear, and its “unfair” somehow that other people are already farming MC when they’re in their 40s.
Even before this dropped I was going give it a month. the bots, the gold rants…would come.
Like every former attempt at fresh. even gdkp free sod. games with MMO trading have bots, and gold sales. Probably RMT item sales too, I’ve not checked that out. But I’d not be surprised if BOE blues are on some site for $4.99 too. Welcome to mmo’s.
Can I trade with a player? Yes. Can I make real money doing this? Technically Yes, just don’t get caught. Challenge accepted.
Imagine that I still play on Era and have since it opened… We had a 6 month period where we had a bot problem. This was June of 2023 until Mid Nov 2023 when we finally had the problem under control.
Yup… on retail the botters sell the gold via the tokens and then also sell tokens 3rd party; they also buy battlenet balance with tokens to legally buy accounts.
Tokens enable botters big time.
Botters are also selling gold for less than the market value because the market value is known and setup by blizzard. The biggest guilds on Retail, the real progression push guilds buy gold in mass from 3rd party because its less expensive than Gold Tokens.
But the Gold buyers are the real crooks here; ban them all.
But LOL YUP, complete fools or liars claim gold token will fix it… More than likely they’re just gold buyers pretending that it will fix it craving the opportunity to buy gold without the smallest risk of a ban.
Hence why I am still on Era even tho I so badly wanted to play Fresh… but fresh has been soiled by gold buyers and gold sellers and botters.
i blame the bad game design for bots / gold buying.
i sometimes think that blizzard love gold buyers because those rich people are the players who will buy shop boost / pets / mounts / tokens.
group chat is nothing but gold sellers selling summons and portals like usual…Just love a solo megaserver…Wouldn’t hurt my feelings if portals and summons outside of zones were deleted
What bad game design?
Requiring you to earn things instead of just giving them to you?
People have been buying gold on games like this since before WoW even existed.
It’s gotten to the point that modern MMOs are built around RMTs and P2W mechanics because the entitled dorks who do cheat(Buy gold) will do it anyways and it’s easier to just provide them with it via things like the token than it is to police the game.
there is a line between -if People are buying gold to save farming time and -if people are buying gold because blizzard add a system where the gold can be used far more than ever and at some point it feels like a must to buy.
I remember first few days of classic 2019 where 1g was selling for 10$, why? because why would anyone play with just 16bag at start and get annoyed if he/she can’t even loot because no space, or struggle because not enough gold to even learn his new skills or to walk for hours because can’t afford the mount…etc
this is not even buying gold to pay to win, if they didn’t pick up a proff that help them make money then they’re screwed and they will be buying gold to avoid the annoying issue’s from bad game design.
i could list many things that blizzard even changed to promote gold buying, 1 thing is the “trade epic items within 2hours” in re-release of classic this was a huge factor that made whales buy gold during the first weeks of pugging because once an item drop and u win it, u find many whispers offering to buy it for xxxx gold and it’s done behind scene But if the item u received was not tradable for 2hours then this was not gonna be a thing.
2nd bad game design when a max lvl can 1shot the whole dugeon and low players are able to gain exp, such boosts are blizzard fault.
i could keep listing many fail things by blizzard, also blizzard was aware of the massive gold buying and this is why they add token 10years ago instead of banning the gold buyers.