Lol anniversary botting


the coiners are swiping haaard.

Seriously, what do they buy with the mountains of gold?

Cezar this is almost Frosstfire/Eyr level kind of post here… I expected better from you!

But yes the bots are running WILD I tell you.

No point botting a dead version of the game.

Always go to whats new.

Half the players buy gold.


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself its the low hanging fruit you can’t help but pick.


People still think that gold buying did not exist before GDKP became popular?

Banning GDKP reduces the incentive to buy gold, but never completely eliminates it.


people are just stupid thats all. They need a boogeyman to blame for all their shortcomings. Hence their need to ban GDKP because they think thats the reason they can’t achieve the goals they would like to in game.

its sad stuff and im guessing it comes from the people who didn’t get to experience endgame back in 2004-2006. They are chasing this “accomplishment” they never got to experience and feel that if GDKP exists it must mean everyone is swiping and invalidating the meaning in the game they are chasing. It all comes from envy which is unfortunate because they don’t even realize they will find no fulfillment in achieving full T3 anyway.

GDKP keep the game thriving for years and its not even disputable

never bought gold and I love GDKP


That’s a hell of a reach.

I KNOW that GDKP increases the value of gold and thus the incentive to buy it. I KNOW that if BoP items were meant to be bought with gold they’d be BoE instead. I KNOW that it is perfectly possible to raid without GDKP - and I raided a lot in vanilla.

The game can thrive without GDKP and it’s not even disputable.

GDKP is not only for gold buyers but also for pumpers - people who want a piece of that bought gold in a less direct fashion.


not in the long term it is not. the entire raiding scene is built on incentive, which GDKP adds once loot is no longer the incentive. I promise you that you didn’t raid as much as me back in the day. I know how the old raids fall off once people only care about naxx and AQ40.

yes it can thrive without GDKP, but for a lot shorter time. Note that you will not halt the RMT you claim to be against by banning GDKP, you just make gold more in demand because you will need to pay for consumes to do raids you need now because you will no longer have people returning with good gear to help carry the raid.

its amazing to me, having seen how it goes back in 2004-2006, seeing 2019 release to current, how people can be so adamant that things would somehow be different this time if we could just ban the boogeyman that is GDKP!

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But loot was ALWAYS an incentive. When you were done with a tier, you’d move on to the next to get better loot.

There were always people at different stages of the game - including new players leveling up and new level 60s starting to raid. You just need to find people at the same stage of the game as you. You shouldn’t need people further ahead to come back to carry you.
If that becomes a problem, it can be solved by catch up gear or by making bosses drop tokens as currency that everyone can use.

Again with this dishonest misunderstanding. Banning GDKP was never supposed to completely stop RMT, but to decrease the incentive. Buying consumables to raid and buying your BiS pieces directly are on completely different levels.


this is the part you don’t seem to understand. These people become harder and harder to find. Which means when you spend 2 hours to only find 20 people, you just end up not running the content.

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we all know blizzard like the bots and wont do anything about it

like last time

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You sound like like someone who was banned from GDKPs because you could not pull your own weight and got tons of cuts or you were just too poor.

Haters keep hating <3


You sound like someone who is salty they can’t GDKP because GDKPs are banned.

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You sound like a salty poor person who still sucks on a 20 year old game <3


You sound mad you can’t GDKP LOL.


I am mad, because I have to play with poor people like you.

You know how much that sucks playing with poor people who whine about SR/LC.

The worse.


I addressed that…

Yeah yeah yeah, yet on SoD we’re able to fill groups regularly and quickly.

This idea that cheating swipers prop up the raiding scene just isn’t true. You are a minority and we do not care if you quit raiding.


so you want to walk the same path that ruined retail. A true expert on the game


Amazing people are still arguing about GDKP when Blizzard’s negligence is being made quite apparent. I think we can all agree Blizz needs to do more. Why can’t we focus on that? Bobby is getting away in his yacht while you fools bicker.