Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Could just not care…
Especially about healing logs, if someone is actually making a big deal about healing logs then they are cluelesss.

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Gotcha. I just recently swapped back to mage and trying to figure out how to improve as fire. I released I wasn’t tracking IC and that was a big part of it.

Always mained Arcane but want to branch out and improve at fire.

I may take you up on that as my alt for dragon flight is a toss up between lock/hunter/priest at the moment.

Most of us don’t actually care that our logs are public.

Actual scrubs ITT will never have my level of forum parses

Raid logging the forums is the real endgame


I saved you some popcorn!


snoz will be the next Imfiredup :rofl:


good you missed it :stuck_out_tongue: otherwise you probably have a better reply than me :rofl:


Enjoy being able to opt out? What’s enjoyable about hiding logs?

I hid three logs tonight, what a great time!

You don’t even show the name of those characters, in addition how could I possibly believe you when you hide behind a 50 alt with a hidden profile?

You have zero credibility to judge anyone or call out anyone for anything.

No way to verify that in the slightest.


That doesn’t block you from being logged, you just can be searched is all. You will still show up in their logs and in the real time logging (which is something else the OP wanted out of). It is a step in the direct they wanted thou.


Just wait until they posts the pics of their million dollar home, thier super car and swim suit model partner!

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Your logs are broken you gd monkey. Its no wonder you think everyone has grey parses. You look at logs while excluding 99% of the fight records.

There were not 7 parses at the time when my logs were reported. Youre pathetic as all hell and your EU toon is dog too


Yes. Like I said; I’m not immune to poor performance here and there, even on classes I am historically good at. Sometimes it’s less-geared alts that I’m just running chill Mythic runs with (and in some cases still getting good ilvl parses anyway, even if they pale in comparison to overall parses), and sometimes I’m actually making mistakes. Prototype Pantheon was absolutely a mistake on my end (a missed kick killed me), but literally my entire guild bar Noobadin and some of our healers also Grey/Green parsed on that fight. Let’s see if that’s any different this week; it may be, it may not be.

I literally fell into a hole on our first Mythic Jailer kill. I came back stronger.

When I main classes, I perform very well more often than not. I never pretended I’m immune to making mistakes; just that I’m more than capable of criticizing or critiquing logs. And if someone feels the need to critique my logs, I’m more than open to being critiqued or criticized. I’m a good enough player to know where I went wrong and I’m more than capable of reviewing my own logs as well to see where I can improve. I’ve been doing it for a long time, after all.


Please. I pink parsed in that no-flying thread and ratio’d the OP with over 400 Likes.


Nah #Arcanelife

Excellent bait post.

You win! :popcorn::tada:

They didn’t show the names of said characters either, yet you didn’t go after them. Curious how you decided to go after me, and not them. Also funny because you’re also avoiding an ignore from your other char Beserker.

There is, I already stated how they can.

Not my fault your few mythic parses are grey and green shrug

Ah yes, the transphobes at it again.

Not really, I look at the same type of logs people try to use to put down OP.

Quite frequently actually, so you should leave the ‘constructive criticism’ to others in the first place, no?

I don’t even main raids, I main M+ and yet my performance is better. It seems quite silly.

Clearly not, you didn’t point at any of the logs of OP and point at what they did incorrectly.

Ye olde “I’ve been playing since Vanilla, I know what I’m doing!”

Sorry, did I miss gender you? Here, I will fix it for you :slight_smile:

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Damn Pawzer straight mad that they are linking someone else’s logs again :joy:


Nah fam. He’ll be the next Preheat. He’ll be so legendary in the mage community that he’ll file a lawsuit against fellow Mage content creator Snzo for having too similar of a name to him.