Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Oh it definitely does have an effect. But I am more talking big picture, how companies try to shift the responsibility on to the little person.

While yes, not having plastic straws dumped in the wild is a good thing. The amount of difference it (paper straws instead of plastic straws) will make on global trash being dumped in the wild is minimal compared to what these major corporations do every day.

But we get fed through the media, etc. That we (the individual consumers) need to do our part. And the people (the corporations) doing the largest percentage of the harm get off pretty blameless. In the general public.

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Especially when you consider that the plastic waste in the Ocean comes from 2 rivers, none of which are in California (or America in general).

Banning plastic straws here is basically like trying to put out a forest fire by softly whistling at it.

Meanwhile, they serve you massive iced beverages in PLASTIC cups, with a paperstraw and no one sees the massive irony.

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Regarding the OP, I agree that all third-party data collection/presentation of WoW activities should be opt-in only instead of opt-out only. Iā€™d also be OK with Blizzard allowing players to hide nearly all of their character-specific or account-specific info (including combat logs and boss drops) from others.

Doing so would probably mean that those players would find it nearly impossible to be accepted into manually created groups, but many who only use LFD/LFR for group content could live with that. I wouldnā€™t have even known these third-party sites existed if I had not read about them here on GD.

how often do your logs like really impact you iā€™m just curious because they donā€™t effect me one bit

You guys know the combat log is part of the basic game UI, right? And has been there since vanilla?


Um. This might be difficult to hear but, those players arenā€™t even the only ones. Every boss you kill, every dungeon you do, every piece of content you clear, every arena you win or lose is all logged and uploaded to simple things. Even the WoW website. WoW is incredibly information driven.

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like how often do any of you guys get bickered to about your logs thereā€™s no way this occurs on a regular basis enough to warrant a change to the system.

u probably get told ur xmog is ugly more lol

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It was really likely just a tool to help people that are trying to maximize their gameplay which got twisted into a measuring stick used against others. It sucks but this is how a lot of these people are.

Thinks of the log song from Ren and Stimpy

:musical_note: :wood:
ā€œLogā€¦ Logā€¦ Logā€


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Yes, I knew that, but I didnā€™t realize that people were actually recording those logs and uploading them to third-party sites as some kind of permanent record until long after I started playing. I used to think that whatever happened in instanced content (whether good or bad) went away entirely once the group disbanded, giving players a fresh start each time.

Once I learned about involuntary logging and game streaming to mass audiences, I went from running group content very regularly to running it the absolute minimum required to complete questlines (or not at all). Itā€™s like finding out that you can no longer play a friendly game of amateur basketball in your driveway without someone secretly recording it and uploading it to Youtube to be evaluated by strangers.

how often does someone bring up ur logs

Considering that I have avoided group content as much as possible for the past few expansions, especially the kind with manual grouping, it never has an occasion to come up. But for me itā€™s the principle of being recorded all of the time when you donā€™t want to be. I hate that kind of thing in real life, too.

yea but like logs arenā€™t intrusive in any way lol canā€™t really use the comparison to someone recording u playing basketball lol

just donā€™t think this happens enough to even warrant a post about. like i HIGHLY doubt the content youā€™re clearing requires someone checking logs because it barely does for me.

Still waiting for you to actually correct anyoneā€¦

Itā€™s just paranoia. Like, my aunt wonā€™t order anything online because she heard about ā€œidentity theftā€ and KNOWS for a fact that all the identity thieves are just waiting to pounce and steal everything she has (which isnā€™t much).

This has never been the case. We have always had a win / loss record for arena to establish some kind of history. We have always had some kind of armory related tracking for the sake of figuring out what dungeons were done by who for expansions at this point. We have had raid logging for expansions upon expansions.

Why would any of this matter? Who cares? I live in NYC, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve walked by news cameras before which picked me up walking to my local store, or walking throughout the city. None of this should matter. This feels overly paranoid. And honestly, a bit like apples and oranges. Someone recording you as your person doing things in your personal life is not the same thing as numbers on a screen revolving around your dps in a given dungeon.


I am completely happy players do not get a ā€œfresh startā€ each time.


Fair enough, thats your choice but logs are very useful to help you improve, Iā€™d rather they stay tbh.

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Still waiting for you to not get carried by a guild anymore.

like why say this, thereā€™s no chance this actually happened like whats the point lol