I bought a Logitech G502 mouse but I can’t get WoW Classic to recognize the extra buttons. I can program them fine with the Logitech software, but that doesn’t help when it comes to using the extra buttons In Healbot or Vuhdo. When I go to the keybinds in Classic and try to bind one of the extra buttons to something, they don’t even register they’ve been clicked. All the software is up to date with the latest versions. Any ideas? Thanks!
set the keybinds in the logitech software to available keys.
go under assignments
then click the assignments to a certain key, like I have mine set for - ; = to my mouse buttons.
Then it should work.
Yeah that’s what I do. The extra buttons just rebound to keypresses lets me use them in game.
I also use a G502 (excellent mouse in my opinion, just the right amount of buttons and the ergonomic features and adjustability are also good)
And what has already been said above is correct
Typically I bind buttons 1-4 of the mouse to the keyboard 1-4, bind a/d to strafe instead of turn, and between q,e, and z as extra binds and macros for mod binds with ctrl shift and alt on buttons 1-4 I can bind every ability I’ll ever need
I appreciate all of the replies! Perhaps I am missing something, but setting the button functions in the Logitech software still won’t make them work with healing addons like Healbot and Vuhdo - which is why I got the mouse in the first place… so I could use the extra buttons while healing.
I’m getting the idea there isn’t a way to make Classic recognize the G502’s extra buttons no matter what I do, is that correct?
Thanks again for the responses, I love the WoW community.
Full disclosure, I’m terrible when it comes to computer. However, I also happen to have that exact same mouse and the extra buttons work just fine. I’m also a healer and they’re all keybound. I didn’t do any tweaking in the software or anything of the sort, I ain’t computer-smart enough for that.
One thing I did notice is some of the buttons seem to have ‘default shortcuts’, Like CTRL-C and CTRL-V (that’s what it shows up as in the keybindings). The other two show up as Mouse Button 4 and Mouse Button 5.
I just set my g600 to numpad buttons and works fine, something must be up in your software, have you updated? They released a new program.
I believe the extra buttons not working are a limitation of the operating system and not the game.
Most operating systems only recognize 5 mouse buttons, no more.
They are
Left click
Right click
Scroll wheel click
So the extras have to be bound to keys in the mouse driver/software. Most people use the numpad.
Logitech G keys are not true mouse buttons. Not like MouseButton 4, 5 ,etc.
The G keys are binds to other keys and functions. You have to set the binds in the logitech software.
I have a G502 and all buttons work fine.
The above posts all explain it correctly, the buttons beyond ‘MOUSE 5’ should be bound to available unassigned keyboard keys (I use , . ; ') and I have the large thumb button programmed to ‘spacebar’ so I can jump using the mouse.
with corsair scimitar had to set buttons in the program to 1-0,
Everyone is making it sound so easy I feel certain I’m missing something simple in the picture, lol. First - I have the latest Logitech drivers for the mouse updated from the Logitech website. Also, everything in Windows 10 is up to date as well.
My goal is to bind a heal to the G7 or G8 buttons that will work in Healbot or Vuhdo. I’d like to be able to also bind a heal to CTR-G7, shift-G7, etc. Is there a dummies guide for getting WoW to recognize the G7 or G8 buttons? I can’t figure out how to use these 2 buttons in Healbot if WoW doesn’t seem to realize they exist.
Could someone please explain, in super simple terms, how to bind a heal to G7 (for example) so when I’m using Healbot, I can float over the person’s name I want to heal and hit the G7 button to cast the heal? I sure would appreciate it more than you can imagine!! This mouse was a gift to my boyfriend who is an avid player and nothing I do seems to make it work.
Thanks again everyone, for all of the replies! I’m sorry I’m not understanding the directions!
So you’re not trying to get the game to see the mouse-buttons, you’re getting the mouse to send keypresses to the game instead when you press them which it can recognize.
So when I press my extra mouse button, the game gets sent the key-press “E”. So when I bind it in game, the game binds it to “E” when I push that mouse-button.
Here’s an image showing the page in the logitech settings you do this with (remove the _)
Go into the Logitech software and rebind the mouse buttons to an available (unused) keyboard key. I suggest using comma , period . semicolon ; and single quote ’ keys. since they usually do not have a default key assignment in the game.
Then, in the game itself, under key bindings, you can set alternative keys for any of the action buttons. So, I usually set the buttons I want in the secondary column and leave the default ones.
So, the way I do it is I leave buttons 1-5 on the action bar to stationary abilities (things I have to stand still to cast) and then buttons 6-12 bound to the keys Q, E, F, and a couple others close to the WASD keys. The rest of my abilities 9-12 are bound to mouse buttons so that I can hit them while on the move. I also use action bar paging and I can hit shift+mwheel to cycle between Bar 1 and Bar 2. So this essentially gives me 24 ability slots that I can hotkey to either my left hand or my right hand.
Pro Tip: The mouse wheel can tip left and right as an extra button. I set these in the Logitech software for Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle through friendly/enemy targets nearby.
You will have to use all the available key modifiers in healbot to get what you want using mouse 1-5. I think there are 8 modifiers total and 5 keys, so 40 spells. Should be enough for healing. I know its a troll since it goes up to mouse button 15 or something.
You can also bind a key on the hotbar to button 3-5 with modifiers on the hotbar for offensive spells when you aren’t moused over the addon.
On my healbot I have Shift+mouse 4 for PW:S but if I’m not on the addon Shift+MB4 casts it on myself. Its easier for me to do it this way than to click on my own name since I’m used to casting on myself without the addon up while doing solo questing.
You can also rebind keys around the movement keys for your offensive spells. A common thing is to free up “Q” and “E” and move strafe to “A” and “D” to strafe and use “Q” and"E" for your most used spells and use right mouse for character turning.
There’s no such thing as G5 or G7, that’s just crap they made up
All you have is what you see in your keyboard afaik
I can use mouse buttons 1 - 4 fine in Healbot. What I’m trying to do is bind buttons above this, because those extra buttons are so great for healing with healing addons.
I tried to follow the examples as best as I understood. First, I picked the G7 button in the Logitech software and bound it to “,” (comma). I wanted to make that my “Flash Heal” in Healbot. But when I go into Healbot, it wants me to connect the heal to a specific mouse button. I see the extra mouse buttons listed, but none of them respond to anything once I get above mouse button 4. Mouse 1 is left click, mouse 2 is right click, etc. But how do I tell Healbot or Vuhdo I want to cast “Flash Heal” on a mouse button above mouse 4?
I feel nearly in tears because it seems everyone has this figured out but I am STILL missing some critical piece of the puzzle. I can’t connect how binding the extra mouse buttons to things like “, . / ;” translate over into Healbot. The healing addons still want to assign the task to a specific mouse button and give me no place to say “bind this heal to the comma” so when I press comma it casts the heal (allowing me to press the mouse button I bound to the comma instead).
I understand how to make the buttons work in the game for everything else except for healing addons - they require I bind things to a mouse button, not a keyboard button.
Thank you everyone for trying to explain this, I sincerely do appreciate it. I don’t want this mouse to be the worst dud gift ever… all he wanted was extra buttons for Healbot or Vuhdo… nothing else. My Steeleseries “World of Warcraft” branded mouse does this job perfectly; every single button works in Healbot/Vuhdo. But Steelseries hasn’t made another “Warcraft” specific gaming mouse since mine and I can’t even find a used one (for less than $175 which is insane). I get now why those are so popular.
I don’t think I made my subject line clear enough, my question is specifically about using extra mouse buttons above 4 in Healbot or Vuhdo. Thanks again everyone!
PS - I’ve tried to respond individually to some of the answers above, but I get an error that says “let other users try to respond first” which is kind of confusing, lol. This is my first thread here.
I dunno, I don’t use healbot. Perhaps there is a forum specific to Healbot issues that you might find your answers on.
I have healed 5-mans through 40-man raids and never felt the need to use an addon for healing and dispelling. YMMV, but you honestly don’t need it. Make a mouseover macro for dispell magic and abolish disease and just mouse over the player frame or avatar and push the button.
You can do the same thing for healing spells if you like, though I have opted not to use mouseover for healing spels. No addon required.
Do you have the logitech software installed, not the drivers, the software.
In this software you can assign you G keys to things like shift-1 shift-2, etc or alt-1, alt-2, etc, then put all your ability on your toolbars.
Many other methods of key binding buttons but that’s a simple one.
The software is needed.
Vuhdo recognizes mouseovers. I have a razer I use with a 7 button panel. I use mouseover macros to set my spells then bind them to 1-7, Shift 1-7 Alt 1-7 etc. These allow me to use all my keybindings with my multi button mouse. This also allows me to heal or buff people outside of VuhDo as well if they’re not in my party or raid.