Login Issues

Same problem here must be global

Got through loading screen, but everything black except my ui.

Nice to know it’s not just me. I loathe satellite internet, so I use my hotspot whenever I can. Stuck at Logging In To Game Server with hotspot, but I get in with HughesNet.

Same issue with Ow as well, stuck on “logging in”

Looks like Blizzard Service is down. Just wait it out guys. Nothign we say is going to change anything until a Tech Support or someone from internal blizzard experience it.

I restarted my comp and there was a wow update and now I am in.

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Same here, If it does let me on I have 0 world ms and I can’t click or interact with anything. Hope its not a DDoS attack.

Well, I am in but can’t do anything lol
I am thinking someone broke something somewhere.

I get to the character screen, that has a black background and no characters. As far as I can get. if I try to change realms i get disconnected.

Blizzard ?!

The forums are not manned 24/7.

Never have been. There’s a solution above that worked for someone.

Reboot and run the launcher again

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tried rebooting and login didn’t worked for me :frowning:

rebooting didn’t work

Also tried rebooting, no change

I can get to the character screen on classic just fine, but BFA is no go.

The person above stated that it didn’t actually fix their problem.

Whelppppp… guess they might as well launch classic early then, huh? :sunglasses:

Don’t you have lots of really super people at your disposal that could fix this for us?

Same. When I do manage to get in, nothing but lag and unable to interact with anything.

they too busy making diablo immortal for us