Logical Thoughts

Stupid argument. You shouldn’t need to rely on a external forum to know there were going to be larger server sizes. I didn’t realise there was a larger server cap size until I was waiting for my ony buff for my first raid. I only started looking at these forums until a week ago.

What you are saying is you have to completely invested into the classic hype and checking forums all the time up until release and if you fail to do so you are an idiot becuase blue post said so in Aug 17th. Ok bud.


OP doesn’t understand what “logic” is. What he states is a mix of his opinion and a few facts.

For instance, yes, there are many hours of reading on the internet where many things are said about pvp in general. Despite the OP’s claim that there is a universal consensus, there is not. The OP feels that everyone should have read and found the exact excerpts that agree with him rather than believe what posters on the forum and other players were saying.

The idea that it is somehow “logical” to reroll now is garbage. The only truly logical thing to do is to realize that at this point you are so far behind that you can never catch up. You will never raid. You will probably never be able to do the dungeons you need to get pre-bis.

Most people think that their opinion is “logical”, and all others are “illogical”.


I largely agree with the OP. But the problem is that, if you want a system or policy to work, it must be resilient to mistakes and illogical thinking. No one makes decisions with perfect information, and many people do so with very limited information sets. Also, humans are not calculators – we tend to make decisions based on emotions and social conventions.

In short, anyone who expects people to gather information and behave logically is in for a a very frustrating experience.

Games are marketed on their appeal to emotions, not to any sort of logic. Fun is an emotion, as is the thrill of victory and the disappointment of loss.


That’s not the point. The point is that we can conclude different things from the same facts, so it is not logically deduced from what you state.

Best way I’ve heard it described is this: a basketball court is designed for 10 players. Imagine putting 40 players on that same court and having 30 of them on the same team then the team with 30 telling the 10 “Basketball happened on a basketball court, git good, l2p”.


That sounds like willful ignorance to me. The official forums are where Blizzard always posts announcements and things, and has been since 2004. That’s like trying to tell the officer you shouldn’t get the ticket for speeding because you didn’t read the signs.


The biggest fact is player’s didn’t realize the effect of the free transfers would have.

Alliance bounced leading to the current complaints.

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Translation: Take a permadeath and start over on a PvE server and spend another 240+ hours getting back to square one.

Seems Logical, I can’t see why people haven’t been lining up to do this.

“ignoring the facts at hand” - This is only information obtained in hindsight. No one knew the servers were going to be this large, not even blizzard. And they increased the size even more. ADDITIONALLY these mega servers created a unique situation where every zone becomes crowded to the point where a faction disparity actually has a unique never seen effect on the server.

I know I called this a mile away, but most people who only played Vanilla didn’t know and most people who played Retail didn’t know and even some people who played some private servers didn’t know.

The modern mindset is to logically choose the best thing to have the best chance. Min-max mindset. The best PvP racials are horde. Shamans are by far the best PvP classic over Paladins who excel in PvE. Knowing that many other people have this mindset in 2019, will allow people to know servers will be lopsided.

Basically, Blizzard never forced people to choose one faction, but one faction is clearly MUCH stronger in every way, so logically server populations will be screwed.



Not knowing that they’ve changed things in certain ways means you have no idea what questions you should be asking.

Blizzard RARELY posts “announcements and things” on the official forums.

Sounds like you’re new around these parts.

Remember when players complained about there being a queue on their server and how some players refused to move off it because they didn’t want to be on a dead (medium) server? If not , well to let you know some players did some months back. I really wonder if those same players are complaining about their same server and how it’s over populated now. :rofl: I know some of it was from horde imbalance issues I just find it funny people will state “I didn’t expect to be ganked by 40+ players”. I mean it’s what you wanted in a way.

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All I hear from disingenuous people like yourself is white noise. Your arguments are void.

Others should treat these people the same.

They have much larger caps than that my friend.

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Blizzard told us we would have mega servers before launching and hence the original plan to roll out a poultry 12 us servers?


They fleed like rats on a sinking ship they did

They literally told us servers would be larger than vanilla servers were wtf are you talking about lol

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When people think mega servers they typically think mega servers like private servers or modern wow.

These classic servers are kinda ridiculous…

2.2 million players on what 40 realms? That’s insanity…

A big burden was removed from us servers with the addition of South America servers. This is where a bulk of the early classic Q’s went too.

It’s still insane with how massive these classic WoW servers are.

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Yup it’s cuz they too damn cheap and running the game on strings and paper cup budget

Because “serves” are not actually their own physical hardware these days in the way they were in Vanilla but instead virtual machines , blizzard could open as many realms as they like.

As for the reasoning behind super ultra mega servers; I get it they don’t want dead realms, but This is kinda the other extreme.

Well if anything blizzard didn’t fail to find a new way to fail; I think they actually are best in industry at that.

Don’t let Blizz fool you one penny more is too much of a price to ask. The game developers no longer run thr show its only bean counters and execs.

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