Hi so on desktop theres no characters for me to log into after logging out of the forum and on mobile it only displays my battle tag and no characters. The battle tag cant post can only heart things on desktop.
Not sure what i need to do to fix this so i can get back onto fuzz on desktop.
Try logging in and out on pc/laptop a few dozen times.
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Trying that now.
That did not work. If i log out on mobile i cant post at all im sure just like desktop so staying logged in.
It let me log into the eu forum though. Like it pulled up a character. Its acting like i have no US characters.
That’s what i see
Experiencing the same thing.
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Got ya so it may be a weird bug or something atm. So dont log out for now.
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I logged out and back in without issue. It didn’t hurt anything, but it also didn’t fix anything.
Yeah i logged back in and it didnt fix anything.
It’s a known issue., from what I got when I shot in a ticket this morning.
Like you, I’ve done it all across several browsers and it’s driving me absolutely batty. Hopefully they’ll get this mess fixed. (If the image doesn’t embed properly, my apologies. Not nearly so easy to screen grab without my program on my laptop.) [Edit] Haha! Got it. Sorry for all the edits.
Got ya ty for that. Ill stay logged in on mobile then.
Well, at least they know it’s a problem.
I tried logging out and back in about a dozen times. It just went back and forth between these classic characters or an account that couldn’t post at all.
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I kept logging off and logging on again until now only my Classic WoW characters appears, no retail characters yet.
I confirm I’ve received the same response from the ticket.
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I guess theres consquences to play ing classic 
This is what worked for me…and I hate that this took me a change of my password twice:
I changed my password (This is something the GM told me to do), because oddly my forum privledges were toggled, for no reason and I hadn’t done it, on my account page. So I removed those foremost.
I cleared cookies from both the browsers I use (but no longer use Firefox for forums because the SMS Auth wasn’t proccing).
I logged off EVERYWHERE (Bnet launcher included)
And only just now, as I’m writing this, did I get all my characters on here.
I’m glad to know this is actually a bug, but it freaked me out; I wanted to see the hubub on the broom mount in the forums.
Oh man, I’m back! I just tried logging out and logging back in, and it still defaulted to my Battle.net name, but when I hit “Change Character”, all of my lot appears to be there.
Yeah, had the same problem yesterday and also put in a ticket.
Back also!
Good to hear, they ran a fix for this from what I can see so hopefully those experiencing the issue can select their characters now.
This hit me all yesterday, I was afraid I’d gotten a ding for something but didn’t know what it could be 
Same! I know I can be a bit blunt or what I say comes off wrong, so that is really the only reason I sent in a ticket. I didn’t receive any notice of my forum privilages being suspended but there I was with no access, and no way to post anything to make the inquiry here.
Yep this and the account settings unable to retrieve some info are fixed for me as well.
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I am able to log into desktop now! Finally! lol