Usually lurk on discord until there’s enough guildies online to knock out some Mythic+
Otherwise, progress my alts and do some tedious work until weekend raid time.
Plenty of Netflix to catch up to while doing menial tasks.
Usually lurk on discord until there’s enough guildies online to knock out some Mythic+
Otherwise, progress my alts and do some tedious work until weekend raid time.
Plenty of Netflix to catch up to while doing menial tasks.
I’ve been working on plowing through +2s to boost my IO score, then I’ll move on to +4s/5s. I probably outgear that sort of stuff but I don’t mind learning the dungeons and what sort of things I might need to look out for at higher affixes.
Pugging is a bit dull/unsocial though and I wish I could find a permanent group to push keys with.
No worries, ActiBliz rounds that login up to 1 hour of engaged user metric time.
Keep at it loyal consumer and continue your daily login, what you do after that is immaterial to our shareholders.
i havent touched bfa content in a while, i decided i wanted to do something with my time left since i paid for it, so ive knocked out a ton of pet battle stuff. the pet battle week has helped A TON!
i wouldnt say it was super enjoyable and fun, but it was something to do and work for.
Today I logged in, did the Chemical Crown dungeon, and logged out.
For me, it’s not really lack of content to participate in that keeps me from playing. I think it has more to do with how disenchanted I feel with the current state of the game and what I personally don’t like about it right now (azerite gear, AP grinding, and a few other odds and ends.)
Sometimes I’ll pop into a BG and see how that goes, but more often than not the Alliance are getting stomped into the ground and I don’t want to spend all day losing matches.
I might just start going back through old content and working on filling out my transmog/pet collections.
Personally I like to PvP
You are right.
It was in Vol’dun I think it was. If not it was CoA.
That was the last one. But man you can always count on a resources or AP cache almost every day. Might get a 2k gold one, but without and army of alts, its basically worthless.
you can wait an hour for the valentines/chemical crown co dungeon queue
That just proves to me that the number of subs is DRASTICALLY down. I have tried for 2 days now, 3 diff time zones of play time to get a group in the Q, and have not found one. Ive waited as long as half an hour. I will NOT wait any longer than that for a RNG rocket ill never use!
Last year you would log in, and wait at most 10 min, just proves that BfA has killed this game. Like it or not(and I do not), this game is just dead.
Relax. I’m not saying your precious WoW is awful, I’m saying it’s boring.
So far in BFA content I’ve unlocked every allied race, almost have 3 reps at exalted (the others into revered), have leveled 4 other characters to 120 and several in the 115 range, done the LFRS, the emissary quests, the invasions (oh, sorry, assaults) and the island expeditions. I’ve also played through both Alliance and Horde side of everything.
There are no more transmogs I want, so that’s pointless. I’ve PvPd enough to get the artifact skin and I would love to raid but raiders are so incredibly toxic to be around I’d rather not.
Of course I could do a billion other things in the old world, but I’ve also played since 2005 and I’ve seen that all 5 billion times as well.
The point is, there needs to be more during this current expansion for people who don’t want to raid. In legion, at least you could chase your artifact weapon skins and build your tree out. Upgrading a necklace that unlocks gear that gives you azerite traits of things we’ve already had in the previous expansion is not at all interesting.
So, I’m not CHOOSING not to do content, I’ve done tons of it. Now I want more since, frankly, this expansion has almost none.
I don’t raid, do m+ or PvP (basically no instanced content)
But I still find plenty to do. However, I’m an avid collector of mini pets and mounts as well as a rabid altaholic (to play dress up and help with my collecting). If you’re not into collecting things or making new alts then yea, maybe it’s time to find something else to do.
If its raid time, raid.
If there’s RBG or Arena groups that catches my interest, do some.
Check if guildies doing anything, usually m+
Farm holiday event if applicable
Maybe look through old content and see what I wanna do, still gotta finish glory of Uldir raider and glory of Cata dungeons.
Level/gear alts to play
See if I can make some easy money off AH
Plenty to do still
Nah, it’s finished.
I’ve spent more time in the forums this expansion than all other expansions combined. That’s not a good sign your content is engaging…
I’m hoping not. Legion was also a total snoozefest 6 months in, but then turned into (what I consider) the best expansion.
There is still time for all of this to turn around. I’m hopeful, because I love this game.
Play it like a mobile game. Do your caches for the week, log off. Come back next week, see what rewards you got, do new weeks free caches, log off for the week.
Rinse, repeat.
I agree that Legion was great, possibly my favourite expansion too. Though, I never felt bored throughout the entirety of my Legion experience.
I admire your optimism friend! I’m completely open to a clutch turn around for BfA.
I don’t know how it is on the Horde and your server but I find on Stormrage every single guild I joined so far was friendly and willing to help their players.
Outside of rated PvP, Raiding and M+ there really is little to do outside of farming old content. It would be nice if there was more to strive for in this game.
I have many 120 alts. I’ve done it all, baby. Except normal+ raiding, mythic+ dungeons and rated pvp - all because I have nothing but horrible experiences with the people in all of these groups.
do something like work on the celestial tournament
crazy titles like the insane or salty
collect mogs
do m+
theres tons of cool stuff to grind out to make your account look good