Log in issues / Characters not loading

Same issue on Maelstrom, trying different reals/char all the normal fixes, not dice… I’m already way being the guild progress… Lets go Bliz !

Yes, I am getting the slow load time on both Drenden and Argent Dawn, and “Character not found”

This is not the first time, nor the last, that there have been issues upon an anticipated launch. Am I happy about it, no, but neither am I surprised. Nor am I upset since it has already been noted that they are aware of the issue and are checking into it. Launch day of any new expansion, or big patch, tends to have its issues and as long as Blizzard actively acknowledges the issue and lets us know that they are working to correct it, I can be understanding.


Getting “Character Not Found” here as well for both of my accounts (on different computers). Also when trying to create a new character it say s “Character Creation timed out.”

Also getting a long black screen before the characters screen loads for both accounts/computers


I cant even retrieve realm list to change realms to try the proposed fix.

Also disabled all addons, considering that may be broken if pre-launch had any hotfixes.

I’m honestly not surprised that I can’t log in… the curse of being on a high pop realm… def expected.

my issue is that i cant even switch servers to make a new character on a dead server.



realy going to blame addon’s for the non load in
sad you know its all blizzard


It seems if you leave it changing realms, or loading them it will load, after a lot of time… but still char not found. Could be just server loads too, just times out sitting in que to find the toon

I was having these issues, i kept trying, and now I am in. Just keep trying and I also logged onto another server than went back to my main server before I got in.

Good luck!

come on come on, more than an hour with the same problem

Same problem here, was logged on when quest went live (Stormrage). Clicked on death gate, got kicked off.

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This exact same thing happened on prepatch.

The servers are overloaded and overcapacity.

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So… Why exactly did you need another month to complete the Xpack if you weren’t going to prepare for this? Kinda dumb when a company does the same stupid crap, and expects a different outcome from it.


I was kicked of at 1700EST and have had issues logging in since.

Can’t log in I see my main Character on my screen and then i hit enter and in about 5 minutes it says character not found. It even says sometimes server is down

Small indie company. /s


Has there been any update? I am not seeing anything on twitter or else where

Area-52 Character not found

I am not able to access my caracters too! It said ‘’ Character not found’’

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Hey all,

It isn’t much of an update, but I just wanted to pop in and say that our teams continue to look into this issue and are working to get everyone into the game as quickly as they can.

I want to put a reminder out there. I know this is extremely frustrating, but please remember to avoid violating the Code of Conduct. Name calling, vulgar language (even if you replace a letter), etc… is still against policy.

As soon as I have any updates I’ll pass it along.