Log in during prime hours, get declined from keys for 10 minutes, then log off

No, people don’t want randoms in their keys. This is a good decision, allowing people to choose their own groups for challenging content.

The people who want to be carried through the content by others who can already do it always claim how unfair or broken the game is, but really, they want to be carried through content they can’t do. If they could do it, they wouldn’t be here chipping in and crying about content availability.

This isn’t directed at you, op, but those telling you to make your own group.

I have two characters with all keys timed at at least 15. Both are over 1300. I pug a disproportionate amount of my keys, and then quite a few with one buddy. Last tier of bfa I came very late and finished with 3.5k.

I say all that to say this: making your own group doesn’t work the way it used to. It sure does once you have your own 14 or 15 key, but it absolutely does not when it’s any lower than that. It used to, but it doesn’t now. Its partly because of the great vault, and partly just due to the gear disparity.

Theres an influx relatively high item level raiders completing their weekly vault runs. they normally would do one key and be done for the week, but now they’re completely crowding the scene for anyone stuck around the 12 to 13 range. If those players attempt to make their own group, they get stuck with scrubs that just got left behind.

What really triggers me about the whole thing is that if I had the gear these raiders have, you wouldn’t see me in a 14 or a 15. I would be pushing score nonstop

That dungeon buff needs to be increased more than 15% though maybe up by 5% for every +1. In any case it would solve the troll leaver issue with deserter buff and replacements.

you realy want to put randoms in a +15 key ?

This thread just Oozes with M+ toxicity and proves that it needs to be removed from the game for true challenging content.


I gave up mythic plus this season for rated BGs. Buying the gear you want and upgrading it is a much better path for progression. Hitting 1800 and upgrading everything to 220 feels so much better than dealing with mythic plus pugs. I’ve also run into much less toxicity in rated BGs. I don’t know why anyone still does mythic plus with the LFG tool.

I don’t think any of you guys realize that when you’re making your own group and push keys, you can only push so far especially when you reach double digit keys.

It’s pretty much a wall when it comes to progressing M+ content. Thank goodness I have a friend that’s a Holy Paladin that tags me along as an Unholy Dk and we’re both pretty solid in terms of meta right now.

It’s even more unforgiving when you try to reach for KSM. People in +15 will far more likely to leave groups even if you start your own keys or not. So yea, you can start your own groups but you can’t just dismiss their complaints from people leaving because of your third-party score that you have no control over other than run a successful keys.

This is one of the reasons why running with friends, guilds and communities is so paramount now that if you play this game alone, you’re ultimately only really making the game harder on yourself and miss out a lot. Maybe you’re unlucky and picked the non-meta class and people are obsessed over it nowadays.

I just got kicked for being a Venthyr DK rather than a Necrolord DK when we were about to run ToP. It seriously doesn’t help that this week is Tyrannical Week as well. To all those “Make your own group” comments, you have to dig deeper behind the context of those complaints who are trying to breach the wall and get KSM.

This is coming from the one who got KSM last week! :slight_smile:


Pugging in this game sucks and has for a while. I gave up trying after last expac.

I really suggest just finding a community or a discord or something and forming groups outside of the group finder. I have a guild where if I’m like “I want to run a key” at primetime, I’ll get a group for it sometimes, but it’s never a guaranteed process then either.

That’s one of the drawbacks to this game and why people are looking for more meaningful content to do by themselves. Gaming culture has changed for a lot of people as we grew older, where we want to just log in for 30m-1h and play the game when we find time.

It’s why games with matchmaking are so popular right now and the MMO genre isn’t growing. Games like WoW rely on patience and being able to spend the bulk of your time in game trying to find a group for their content focus. The grouping process can take about as long as the content itself, or longer.

That dependency on patience and tedium really doesn’t land with the younger gaming crowd, nor does it work with many adults who built families or careers.

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there is obviously more of a middle ground buddy

the real question is whether the harder stuff, that is played by a small minority and pretty much requires manual grouping, is even worth being part of the system to such a degree. Just need more balance.

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Is the desk being carved or is it more of an ikea thing?

I know it sucks to hear but when you can’t get into other ppls groups the best thing to do is make your own. I run a holy paladin and a mistweaver. Rarely do I get declined on my mistweaver but when I do I just start my own group. All healers are viable you just have to change your tactics.

thats why raiderio was created

On that character? In what world does a healer get denied from groups? Especially when you’ve got M+ gear on.

Also… Obligatory, um, start your own groups… ez pz. Easier for any healer than 95% of the community.

If you want to be accepted to +7 keys, you realistically should have completed a +6, at least. That’s what people look for. Your overall IO is OK, but if you’re trying to run a +7 MoTS and they see that you have 600 io but that you’ve only completed a +2 in MoTS, then your chances of getting in are substantially lower.

No you!


List your key, get a good group and progress like all the rest… Or do the thing you are suppose to do in a MMO: find a guild,make friends, progress together!
Im tired of you puggers whinning about your nom meta classes not being invited for keys…Im 2 Keys to reach KSM after 3 weeks of max level as a Guardian Druid. All I did was: pug my Keys…

Ikea of course :+1:


Man, what a great game.


i mean its raider ios fault, not wows? when a new season launches, those who have a genuine interest in keys usually are ahead of the pack in io, while the restof the community catches up. it really isnt that hard to stay ahead if you actually do play the game. for example i was ~1500 io in Jan. but stopped pushing keys (been playing other games) and now my io is below average. No ones fault but my own

OP’s experience is a common tale of woe in WoW. It’s applicable to other aspects of the game. Ion and team have failed the fanbase. WoW will survive, it always has, but it still sucks.

Also, why is the Horde > Alliance? I need a blue explanation.

18 levels of the same dungeon is boring anyway.