Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I wholeheartedly agree that Blizzard needs to explain why steady flight if behind PF and skyriding is not.


Once they add a taxi service or steady flight outside combat, it’ll blow over there too

Single standard. For one type of flying, there is a single standard. For a completely different type of flying, there is a completely different standard.

Blocking you now. Not admitting that when I literally list wait time to it being in the game then the unlock procedure difference as not two different topics is just a game over for me. You are being intellectually dishonest.

I thought you weren’t responding to me anymore?

Cool, maybe you can stop advocating against the availability of Static Flight from the very beginning.

You can continue to call my statements that all you want. Won’t make it true.


That is a good stance to have. Then you can argue against the fairness and ROI on each stance. It’s a tricky thing to add extra twitch to a game that historically has not been. I think Blizzard didn’t do well in Dragonflight seeing it coming or dealing with it, but they did some things in the new expansion. Should more be done? Yes. Does that mean we should go straight to steady flight for the whole expansion…not sure. I would like to know why they didn’t go there before laying blame or anything on it. They have defended pathfinder before…so what is there defense on this?

Either way a ton more should be done on making dragonflying more accessible for people with handicaps be they motion sickness or other physical or mental issues. I think long term their plan is all dragonflying only so I hope they figure it out well before they go that route.

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You are purposely being obtuse now. I said flying, plural. And they are treated differently. One is available at launch, the other is gated behind PF…this is factually accurate.


A double standard is applying a rule unfairly to different groups or people. That is not present here.

They’ll never tell us the real reason …

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I don’t want to read into this comment. What are you trying to say exactly here? You said Blizzard was being ableist earlier, so I gotta ask. What do you mean by this?

Maybe returning players, but not new players.
New players are being funneled into DF content and dynamic is the leveling flight experience. (And there is no DF pathfinder anymore)

They did so without saying so.

“This is what flight is now.” = they are pushing dynamic as the main method of flight and tbc is just kind of there now.

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It makes sense in DF area because that’s what it was made for. Making us go 80% slower in non DF areas is just petty but that’s Blizzard. Also, if you turn off skyriding, it affects even the original Dragonriding mounts. Because reasons


Because you are telling the game you want to use steady flight? Like, it’d be neat to be able to set a few mounts as one or the other but this is pretty explicitly the purpose of the toggle was so people could use preferred flight with their favorite mount

I’m a druid. I want ‘steady flight’ on druid flight form and dragonriding on my mount. You know, like it was before the patch.


If Steady flight as you say it is …is just out there then why is there a Pathfinder requirement to use it when TWW goes Live?


Because Blizzard intends for players to utilize steady flight for the majority of their aerial business but they are still going to leave in the other one.

That’s fair. I wish Flight form and individual mounts could be toggled, even if it is just two or three. Though I do personally like being able to skyride in flight form.

Well if dynamic is what they want the main version of flight to be, then why would they restrict it? They would want it to be available day 1 so everyone can experience it and the zones with the flight they intended.

If you look at the main tww website, dynamic is there. If you listen to ions panel about it, he says multiple times how they are focusing on dynamic.

If you have a 2 way road, but you want everyone to go left and not right, you close the right road down.
They want to funnel everyone into the dynamic flight experience.

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PF is the unfair rule when both flight forms are treated differently. The difference being only one is available at launch. Just because a lesser accommodation is provided, does not even things out. What would make things equal is both forms of flight being available at launch. If anyone can break it down in even simpler terms, please do.


Technically speaking, they are. If you truly wanted to. You could get tbc flight day 1, in a single game session. Of course, it would be 8-10 hours.
But the fact that you can day 1 is what matters.

Blizz gets their “oh shiny” out of the way. Worst case you ground mount on your first toon then never have to look back.
That’s as fair as its going to get at this point.

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Which can make the complaint sound like “whaaa, I don’t want to “play the game” to unlock my preferred form of flight” More so when there is at least 1 other way to play that dies not involve DR