Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Yes, vanilla didn’t have flight. During the first two expansions, where flight was exclusive to the expansion content, Vanilla still didn’t have any flying. Guess which expansion broke that precedent?

Cata. The red-headed step child that completely changed the direction of this game. MoP got a bad rap because of the ‘lol pandaren april fools joke’ nonsense people kept on about prior to it’s release. It was actually a great expansion and play experience, compared to Cata. Didn’t like the ending and the permanent dmg to the Vale, but what can you do?

Dragon Riding. They broke Dragon Riding as a feature. It’s now:

  • Skyriding (with the dragonriding UI still).
  • Skillups are broken, no longer earned from the dragon isles.
  • Skillups are still there, still activate achievement points, but don’t have any game function tied to them anymore (bad design).
  • There’s now a spell with a cast timer to switch between mount flying types, rather than having an intuitive game that picks for you (like in Dragonflight).
  • The questing related to getting Dragonriding no longer part of getting Skyriding.

I hope this helps you understand better, how the feature was intentionally ruined by blizzard’s update.


No, nothing in there broke, or is necessarily bad design. Criticism about the cast time being too long to switch flight is one I’d understand, but everything you listed is just not correct.

That’s not a justification or a reason, though. It’s great that Dragonflight was successful after the absolute flop that was Shadowlands, but that’s not a justification for doing this. There’s simply no real functional necessity that has been given BY BLIZZARD for locking Static Flight where Dragonriding is enabled.

You’re basically trying to argue that because it is that way, it should continue to be that way to some degree. Other people are arguing that it seems arbitrary and pointless.


They had to break the old feature to have the new feature, so yes: it is factually, demonstrably broken. They made the feature functionally worse, as a result of updating the feature. Again, demonstrably factual.

It’s not even up for debate. Hope this clears up any misunderstanding.

It’s not up for debate, because what you are saying is objectively false. They didn’t break anything about dragonriding, they literally just changed the name and made it accessible to other mounts and locations.

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This, exactly. Pointless design can miss me in 2024. Disposable game design, like the Almighty Dragonflight, which is now FREE to anyone on a trial account, accessible at level 10, is how player churn happens.

Suddenly you see all the progress you made accessible by a level 10, you can’t do it at level 70 anymore, and now the game expects you to make a purchase and go hang out in a new place and do new stuff.

This is fundamentally oppositional game design, in a genre where the player is supposed to invest time long-term toward a progression-based set of goals.

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Explain how it’s false, then I will concede it’s up for debate.

You said that they broke dragonriding. They didn’t. They gave it a new name which is not dragon specific.

Correct. It isn’t.
Because none of this requires a justification or a reason. Do the campaign, you get access to TBC afking again. Or another way to phrase it:
If you play the bare minimum amount of the game that is expected of you when buying an expansion, you get a small tiny QoL improvement that is only useful for characters beyond your first. Because on your first character it wouldn’t be useful, it would be a tool-to-abuse.

This is the thing people can’t retort: why is the bare minimum of game that we are expected to play come each expansion too much for something that realistically should only ever be applicable at end-game exploration or for alts? The answer is that … “we want our moveable afk platforms, and we are willing to use disabled people to call people abelists on the forums to get it.” To quote myself from over a week ago:

Don’t try to assert things when you have no clue what the hell you are talking about. I have been clear about my stance about this for literal days at this point:
I care about what’s best for the game’s overall health whilst not hindering people who genuinely just want access to a cool toy and won’t abuse it. This is the most sensible compromise, and this is also why Skyriding doesn’t need to be limited since it doesn’t have the negatives that the TBC-afk-platform-system has.



  1. Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order

Dragon Riding doesn’t exist. You know, the debut feature of Dragonflight? The expansion they NAMED the feature after? or other way around?

The system for leveling skills on your dragon riding mounts no longer functions. It’s in the game, and non functional. The glyphs you collect are there, as are achieves, but the ability to earn the skill ups… is broken.

Dragonriding was replaced by Skyriding, and the functionality of skyriding and steady flight, are worse when switching between the two, than before.

Steady Flight now has additional Pathfinder stuff, and the difference in how one unlocks the features prevents Steady Flight from being accessed by players as soon as Skyriding, breaking whatever game design might exist behind pathfinding, steady flight, and how it’s intended to benefit players.

I really hope I don’t need to hold your hand through any more dictionary stuff. Just google things if you don’t understand what’s being said here.


You could’ve stopped there, because the rest of that is just coming across as drivel. I’m glad you’re comfortable expressing your opinion on this topic, and I’ll leave it at that.

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This is what I said back when they announced that gimmic flying was going to outlive its expansion. They either both need to be locked, or unlocked.


It exists, it has a different name, this isn’t a difficult concept. You know you can complain about things that actually are broken, right?

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And you could’ve stopped responding with yet more trollish drivel. It’s been the same thing for the nearly 17 years. With each expansion the extreme detriments of having an personal afk-platform has been demonstrated again and again.

But ya’ll are just here to troll, so…

The only realm where one might be correct in believing nothing is broken here, is when you ignore the changes, ignore the way the game was before, and insist nothing is different.

But that’s not reality. If skyriding is no different than dragonriding, why did I just list all these differences? Can you participate in a good-faith discussion?


Nah, I’m just tired of the trolls coming in to make people feel bad about wanting Static Flight accessible at the exact same time as Dragonriding is.

Already feel plenty of real things, including a healthy dose of suffering from chronic pain. Thanks though!


Yes, unlike you. I know you are dead-set on fighting about nothing, but if you can’t live in reality and have an actual discussion, just scream about nothing, there is no point.

If steady flight was the exact same thing as skyriding then it would be skyriding.

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Reality is:

game changed.
changes have had negative impact on game, broken aspects of it.
We are here talking about it.
You are talking down to everyone, insisting everything is fine and nothing is wrong and there isn’t anything different.

You might want to start participate in reality, before trying a good-faith discussion.


There was no intuition on the games part.

Only a select few mounts were flagged for dragon riding. The rest were flagged as steady flying.

So if I was using a dragon mount in a BG, it didn’t function as a ground mount?

If I used a dragon mount in old world content prior to season 3 DF, they didn’t work as ground mounts?

If I picked my flying mounts in Dragon Isles after Pathfinder, they didn’t fly normally with steady flight? And my dragons didn’t fly like dragons? And the skycharger didn’t fly like dragons and also function like a normal mount in bgs?

Are you sure?

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