Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

They really just need to delete old flying, it’s too slow for the new zone sizes, and speeding it up to match good flying would just look stupid.

So the people who have legit medical issues are over reacting? That’s an interesting take.


I would be surprised if any of these people protesting this thread are understanding Dragonflight is the new 10-70 leveling content. It replaced BFA (finally).

So while Blizzard is busy:

  • moving DF to basegame
  • lowering content to level 10
  • renaming dragonriding to skyriding
  • killing the dragon glyphs around the island
  • renaming old flight mastery to Steadyflight
  • making skyriding baseline without a prereq quest or anything else,
  • putting steady flight behind pathfinder for older content

Blizzard is also ushering new players through the Dragon Isles as the 10-70 leveling experience. Let that sink it. They factually could have done nothing and these players would have shown up in dragon isles, done some quests, gotten into dragon riding, done the tutorials, dragon races, they could collect the glyphs and ‘train their dragon’ right away…

Is anyone else’s mind NOT blown by the fact Blizzard just up and ruined a part of the game they didn’t even have to touch? They could have literally checked the boxes on the data base that enable all flying mounts to use dragon riding, and let the game continue intuitively handling the difference between dragon riding and flight mastery.

This is why I come here. This is why I spell it out. If I have to put my designer hat on in order to advocate for better wow game design, happy to do so.


Not to mention, the entire “issue” was supposed to be about how it was hard to move the mouse for DF or the speed makes people sick.

They shouldn’t have increased the speed for normal flight at all.

Well, I might have to go into industry mode as well, and man this is my time off, I shouldn’t need to, but here we are.

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It is not. And nobody “needs” to use any form of flight. That’s the first problem with this entire hubbub. Flight in wow is a convenience, and is not mandatory to play.

Flight is not mandatory to complete leveling content. It never was.

Flight was not mandatory from TBC to MoP when we would need to level on the ground to max before purchasing a flight license.

Flight was not mandatory over the 10 or so years from WoD to now when pathfinder restricted flying for the better part of a year before it would be unlocked.

Nobody “needs” flight.

Just say you think the sky riding and steady flight should be unlocked at the same time.

People need to stop making these disingenuous hyperbolic arguments of discrimination, ADA violations, spite, all of it. Get some perspective.

There are people with medical issues who are overreacting and people who are not.

There are people without medical issues who are overreacting and people who are not.

But unsurprisingly, you ignored the main part of my comment where I quoted the part about people having played the game for years before skyriding.

Somehow, the game is unplayable today, but was perfectly playable from 2004 to 2024.

The main takeaway here is that I don’t use disabled people as a rhetorical token to achieve my personal ends. I treat them as people.

Some disabled people are selfish. Some are not. Some disabled people are happy. Some are pissed off at the world. It’s almost like they are actual people, because that’s also how non-disabled people are. A mixed spectrum of personalities, people who have good days and bad, differing opinions about the world, etc.

If people, disabled or not, could play the game for 20 years, with all the long no-flying periods, and zones that to this day are still ground only, I think they will survive playing the campaign grounded once before unlocking steady flight account wide.

Lock sky riding behind campaign completion too. It’s not a big deal to play on the ground for a time, like we have been doing for 20 years.


One of the things often lost here is the importance of customer service. This isn’t a group of people showing up to yell into the void of a rando fan website.

This is the company website for a major game developer, one who has developed the same IP for the last 30 years, 20 of it spent on the same one game, as if it’s the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

This forum is a place for players of that game to come and interact with each other, discussing the merits of world of warcraft and it’s continued development.

That is the ONLY reason for anyone to be here. So when a company makes a poor choice, institutes a bad change, and people voice their thoughts about it, it helps no one to try and invalidate voices.

We don’t have to fly… you don’t have to respond to posts. You don’t even have to read em. I refuse to let this company have any more of my money. I refuse to sit here quietly, watching them make the sorts of mistakes that I as a long time player recognize as incongruent with any form of World of Warcraft.

From an accessibility standpoint, from a customer service standpoint, from a business standpoint… from a common sense standpoint: Blizzard misstepped with this one, big time.

Not everyone has the same voice; everyone deserves to be heard.


only the wow bliz devs would consider flappy bird flying a ‘feature’

only reason flappy bird flying is dominant is because it is faster, speed up regular flying and flappy bird would die

bliz lately always manipulating players rather than entertaining

Blizzard already slowed Skyriding speed and increased steady flight speed.

What Derkz said.

We will be able to unlock steady flying 6-9 months earlier than at any point in the past 10 years.

Blizzard added a number of settings in the ui to help reduce motion sickness / nausea issues.

Most people would view these as accessibility and customer service wins.


It greatly depends on the effectiveness of the motion sickness reduction. There are also people with disabilities wrt Skyriding that have nothing to do with motion sickness.

From my perspective, the uproar over the lack of steady flying is solely with respect to those who are disabled in some way. Other viewpoints may obviously vary. But I find it unacceptable that steady flying is locked from the start while skyriding is not, in this situation.

Personally, I wonder why, instead of disabling steady flying from the start, there weren’t any discussions on removing whatever the perceived advantages of steady flying are. Perhaps there were behind closed doors, but I haven’t seen any real explanations.

  1. Unlocking steady flight/Pathfinder has what value? Especially when content that wasn’t included in pathfinder suddenly is?

That’s just nonsensical/bad game design at this point. You released a feature directly competing with flight mastery. Doesn’t it help to use foresight to avoid issues such as these?

  1. Blizzard does a great job when it comes to adding accessibility to their game. Then they do something like this. 1 step forward, 3 steps backward, right?

That is only one of many disabilities I have read about regarding pathfinder / steadyflight & how it is impacting players.

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Steady flight is used for accessibility, so why gate it behind an achievement. Accessibility should never be gated.

Speaking for myself, I will complete the achievement to get steady flight. I hope all that have disabilities or get motions sickness do this instead of unsubbing.

I think locking Steady Flight behind an achievement is stupid.


They do help to reduce motion sickness, I’m glad Blizzard recognized this is a real issue that people are experiencing and worked to reduce motion sickness.

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Removing the straight-line travel and lack of gravity and constant speed would turn steady flight into slow skyriding, so there’d be no point

I’m failing to see the step backwards. We can unlock steady flying on launch day, if you can schedule time to play for the 8 or so hours it might take to complete the campaign story.

We used to have to wait the better part of a year for a content patch that made it possible to unlock steady flying.

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With YouTube, I agree. YouTube both added and subtracted from subscriptions. Helpful videos that are HowTos help make the game accessible to more people and provide positive advertising.

However the negative advertising we get from YouTubers spewing hate does not help. Some of this seems to be designed to pull clicks from angry players to boost ad rates.

But I was thinking more of things like Facebook, Snap Chat and X, the social media site formally known as Twitter, etc where people are engaging in non game related material basically talking about each others lives, their friends lives, their kids, the bowling league, etc. They find this more fun than playing MMOs.

Well yes but if everyone agreed it wouldn’t be 1200 pages long. Several people would state the problem, the rest would just click “likes”. The reason it is long is that others disagree, then the debates started.

That shows it is a divided issue, not a settled issue.

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