Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

This is the existing compromise, because the alternative is to remove it completely. Mind you if they did that then they’d also remove Skyriding as well. They won’t do that since the community refused to accept that ever since flying demonstrated the serious issues it caused and Blizzard tried to limit it.

TBC flying isn’t good for the game’s overall health, but as an accessibility tool it is quite good in a world where flying exists. So they put it behind the lowest bar possible that people have to clear and… if people’s disabilities are so debilitating that the lowest bar possible of “merely playing the game normally” with no requirements for any kind of flying …
Then those disabilities are so severe that flying isn’t enough of an accessibility tool and thus irrelevant to those who can’t play the game like that at all. Folks like blind raiders would be an example of what I’m referring to.

So… this isn’t really that much of an argument. If the lowest possible bar cannot be cleared when it doesn’t require flying, providing flying of any kind won’t help solve those issues.

Noclip is when you have no collusion, you phase through everything. Im sure this was pointed out already, but I aint readign 640 posts.


You come here to add to the troll responses?

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Most people are fine with it. No biggie since it’s easy to get.

Ive said it many times…this behavior is just in their nature. Total lack of empathy. Very disturbing. They dont even ASK what the issue is, they just come in blasting insults.
childish behavior…and then when called on it, they double down instead of apologizing to the lesser abled human beings theyve insulted.


If its so easy then they need to lock Dynamic flying aka dragon flying behind the same path finder then…what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.


Just as Ive posted before…PF serves NO VALID purpose at this point.


This has been addressed over and over again. Ya’ll’s refusal to read or learn basic game design is at this point ya’ll just trolling.


It was, but I knew that already when I said what I said. It’s noclip in every way except passing through walls. There’s more than one trait to noclip.

LMAO…as if anyone tied that joker up, propped him up in front of his screen…duct taped his eyes open and then forced him to read this thread lmao.

the thread didnt waste anyones time. just another garbage excuse made for HIS behavior.

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But they aren’t. :man_shrugging:
They could have made it where old flight doesn’t work at all in the new zone, so be happy it’s attainable early.

No, there has never been any other definition to that phrase other than “the ability to go through solid objects in a video game using a command line or a cheat”.

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I’ll pass, thanks.
when you all own this forum then you can tell me what to think.
Till then Imma CONTINUE complaining until pathfinder is gone.


Ok? Then pass. Doesn’t affect anyone else here. Complain all you like is fine too, but if you want to fly, you’re doing pathfinder.

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To be honest the ones doing the trolling is the ones complaining about TBC ruining the game. Then saying that other guys is trolling for defending TBC flight.


I will…which is what this thread is for…so why are YOU here again?
You actually laughably think sharing your opinion is gonna stifle any of us?
It wont.
All its doing is showing us how vile some of the behavior from your side is…
Do yourself a favor and disassociate from that portion of posters in here…because theyre making YOU look as bad as they do when youre standing with them.

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its hysterical to see that joker calling anyone here a troll given HE has BEEN trolling in a thread he has no valid reason being in.
THIS thread is to complain about PF and steady flight…something that has ZERO bearing on HIS game…or any of the other attentiontrolls in here lmao

Blah blah blah. The bottom line is, we are doing PF for flight in the expansion. We all have to do it. If not, we won’t fly.

He’s throwing a fit because he can’t have his way. He said he’s not buying the TWW so his loss.

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But we will fly because dragon riding is available from the start without the aforementioned **** move of the hated pathfinder. Why do I feel like having steak all the sudden . . . :rofl:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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