account wide ignore would be a good thing…
LMAO…hanging on my every word. Gotta love my fanbase. lol
See how self absorbed you are? You can’t even see how much you derail then claim others are trolling
And you are so… I don’t even know anymore… that you didn’t even notice I was acting like you.
Anyway… so pathfinder… topic… cough
even the forum software is trolling us lmao.
I dont want to see theyre even in here if Ive ignored them…but this software not only doesnt, but then you can see theyve responded to you lmao.
They turn it off in some threads…they CAN just do it for the whole forum…but they choose this way for some reason.
Account wide and DONT show me when someone has posted in here with that 'hidden reply" crap.
I want ‘ignored’ to be IGNORED, lol
You know you have to physically unhide ignored replies right?
You are going out of your way to engage…
But the problem is none of that was here at launch, I made it 3 days into the expac before I just had to quit and they didn’t even think to add anything to aid motion sickness till a month and a half later and still have done nothing for one handed players who have issues. Even now with all that stuff turned on I still have to fly above everything because it will still get to me flying through trees and stuff.
Cope harder.
I do feel sorry for those that can’t use dynamic due to a handicap.
But thinking about you using a ground mount on launch day… It does make me laugh. Because regardless of your opinion. No matter how much you harass and bully people. Troll your way through these topics. You aren’t getting pathfinder removed before release (if ever).
P.s. if someone needs help with leveling, Ill be more than happy to assist with ridealong.
Sorry to hear that.
You have provided your feedback and we thank you.
lmao…LITERALLY proving their trolling behavior in here lol
Okay enough. You got your fill of attention today… how about you stop the derail spam now…
Nah, lol. They are keeping it the same. It’s for people that can’t do DR.
nah…they arent trolling for attention in here
they just want to ‘discuss’ the topic.
Happens a lot with new ‘features’. You WILL use it, or else! If it has an option to opt out, it’ll be taken away if too many people do (map fade anyone?). Blizz hates it when they implement something and no one likes it. They throw a hissy fit and force you to use it.
Yes I’m annoyed.
Wondering if what will happen is Ion will just let PF go next time around.
I mean, he went from DF being forever to pretty much gutting it this time.
It could be hes phasing it out, but having a hard time letting it go emotionally given it is his baby.
Maybe the next expansion wont have PF at all
There is an option to opt out for TWW as far as getting PF done, it is use a ground mount. Maybe if too many people go that way, both DR and SF will be locked behind pathfinder going forward.
I seriously doubt that. You won’t lower yourself to waste time leveling to end cap.
The abject apathy in here clearly shows the mindset and intent.
Not one of them will help anyone but players they already know.

The abject apathy in here clearly shows the mindset and intent.
Apathy because they don’t agree with you? Many of us do have empathy for those disabled and might be willing to help out if people need it. Maybe not to the extent we slow down our own drive to max as in tie ourselves to them all the way through, but say we are in the same area, with the same goals, why would we not help out?
THIS is their behavior in here…